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  1. BeeNice

    Swarming with no reason?

    There may have been 2 queens? that have overwintered, with the warmer weather and the change of location could have been the reason to go?
  2. BeeNice

    Any Drones or Drone cells in the UK yet?

    Where the bloody hell is 'the land of the long black cloud'!! and why can't people put in a proper location so we can all relate to it.
  3. BeeNice

    Any Drones or Drone cells in the UK yet?

    First check of the year, BIAS in all but one, and that one has queen present (seen) but no eggs yet. Drones in all but small amount. Seems from the feeds that we have a north south divide as far a brood is concerned. I think drones should be encouraged this year to make sure that any queens out...
  4. BeeNice

    Collected my first nuc on Saturday :-)

    Well done, follow the advice of the dummy boards, if you have a strong nuc and a flow of nectar and pollen they may build up quickly, that's weeks not days. If you have a new queen (last years) she should be well mated and laying well. On a normal year you may not get QC's this year, if the...
  5. BeeNice

    Wanted advice of beekeeping in Spain

    Thanks for all your 'help' please don't add anymore to this thread as it's a waste of time asking questions on here sometimes, you really need to weed out the good stuff from the crap. If I could be bothered finding out how to delete it, I would.
  6. BeeNice

    Wanted advice of beekeeping in Spain

    I have his book, which I find really good, but he is dealing with beekeeping in Britain. I have tried to find his email address, but no luck, to busy fighting manuka wars in New Zealand. Thanks for your replies. Steven
  7. BeeNice

    Wanted advice of beekeeping in Spain

    Has anyone any experience of beekeeping in Spain, over wintering, feeding, temperament (I believe bad tempered), forage, etc. As far as the law goes on Beekeeping in Spain I have found plenty on the web, but not much about the practice of beekeeping and how different it is to the UK. :thanks:
  8. BeeNice

    Palleted Hives?

    Don't do it, you can't get the varroa boards out!
  9. BeeNice

    Whats happened to the spring?

    I think I like it better than the 18 degrees last year and then turning cold, this is more normal. Hoping for warmer weather soon, won't be doing much gardening this weekend! Snow forcast until Monday. Check hives on Thursday, still doing okay, fingers crossed.
  10. BeeNice

    Brings whole new meaning to a 'Brazilian'

    That was some smoker!!
  11. BeeNice


    Don't be nervous, it can be confusing with all the different methods. You can only do your best, swarming is natural, last year was one of the worst on record. If you are not sure what to do when you find a QC don't panic and pull the cells down. Close up, have a think of what to do, whether to...
  12. BeeNice


    Don't waste your money buying books as the is lots of info on the net, here is one good bit of info Not everyone likes reading off the internet, you don't alway have the computer on, and books are very handy to quickly pick up and take information.
  13. BeeNice


    I'm sorry, that the subject matter is to long to go into, buy a good book and study. Putting nuc's around the countryside will get you bees, but not necessary your swarmed bees. Maybe others. I have found the book 'A practical Manual of Beekeeping' by David Cramp useful.
  14. BeeNice

    BBKA Winter Survey 12-13

    A typo is one or two letters, this is just stupid.
  15. BeeNice


    I agree, you have some good advice. Bored now!!!!
  16. BeeNice


    Hi Curt Keeping bees at home has its problems, I have kept them on the garage roof and they were not a problem but having loads of bees fly past bedroom windows can be unsettling to some. If you have one hive, you will soon have 2 and more come the swarming season (best to have at least 2 as a...
  17. BeeNice

    BeeKeeping Tips and Ideas

    Does anyone else have some cost saving ideas to do with beekeeping: to kick off, over the winter I have been saving the loo roll and kitchen towel tubes, and stuffing them inside one of the tube centers to make smoker fuel (as sold by some larger beekeeping outlets) I put as many in as I can...
  18. BeeNice

    Moving hives

    Rain later in the week, good time to move. If you still have fondant on, block the hive entrance for a couple of days. Bee's don't fly much in the cold rain and will keep the bees in so will help.
  19. BeeNice

    Ear to the hive again.

    Intesting stat and picture about the cars and guns, I think in your case a stethoscope could be a good idea. You just have to put hives wherever you can. Be careful of swarms, you could end up with a 4 lane pile up. Happy beekeeping. Steven
  20. BeeNice

    Ear to the hive again.

    My ears would be really good if I heard traffic where my apiary is! Lucky ain't I, I don't have my hive's next to a 10 lane highway (motorway). :)