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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. D

    Chat room

    Hi does anyone use the chat room tried it a few times but didn't seem to be anyone there maybe not using it correctly.
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    Untidy Bees

    Hi.Polyhive in the brood chamber could I put several frames of foundation in and alternate them I have the foundation over at one side at moment and they are not drawing it?
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    Orange spiders

    Hi,I found tiny red spiders on the mesh floor inspection board they were an orangy red colour and move really fast does anyone know what thy are and are they harmfull to bees?
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    K wing advice needed please

    Hi,have got k wing bees in hive lots of dead bees on the open mesh floor a lot of them with small abdomens.There is no mite drop at all on test board the rest of the bees flying really well brood combs perfect sealed and layed right up to the edge.Is this tracheal mites and what should I do...
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    Dead bees

    Hi this is my first post on this site though I have viewed many times and think its great.Bees came through the winter very well and built up very fast Im using an open mesh floor when I changed It at the start of April there were a lot of dead bees hundreds on the floor while checking today I...