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  1. drex

    New starter in South Derbyshire

    Well done for signing up to a course. However a weekender will skim the surface. Try you local assoc and see if you can join their beginners course too. You will get much deeper info and be introduced to other local beekeepers
  2. drex

    Best Timing for Splitting a Hive?

    I doubt whether either colony would be strong enough to benefit from the OSR flow. Too ambitious.
  3. drex

    Bee health check

    Welcome. I hope you come to love and enjoy this beautiful hobby. The fact you are asking for somebody to come and look at your bees at this time of year, tells me you know very little about beekeeping . I agree, you need to join your local association and get on their beginners course which...
  4. drex

    Building a horizontal hive

    Initially I built a Kenyan top bar to run alongside my Nationals. It taught me a lot about bees. After several years I converted it to take deep National frames. It took about 26 frames. The beekeeping was much easier in this.
  5. drex

    Hi everyone!

    Yes JBM. I have experienced similar. Changed their minds when surrounded by bees ( and I had chosen a well behaved colony). Mercifully had not bought any kit. Rushing in can be expensive. Bees have improved my patience no end
  6. drex

    Hi everyone!

    Standard National for me too. I found 14x12 frames to be unwieldy because of their size. I agree with ericb above. Wait until after your course before getting bees. I assume you have already handled your mentors bees. If not wait until you have handled bees. Wait for sales. All my kit are...
  7. drex

    Wet supers

    I know that Amari usually takes a hive or two to the heath in Dunwich ( Suffolk). Might be worth a DM.
  8. drex

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Will always remember a quote from Bailey and Love's surgical textbook, the must read for any medical student in my time. An zx ray revealed a pepper pot stuck in some one's rectum. It read" when removed it was inscribed " a present from Margate". No wonder Amari 's customers are a bit odd - he...
  9. drex

    The varroa solution

    In the talk by Steve Riley I think he says the resistance is passed down the queen line only and not via the drones
  10. drex

    Everlasting paint

    @Rory . Are your roofs watertight? Do you have insulation under the roof? Is ventilation adequate, or the colony small?
  11. drex

    Everlasting paint

    I don't even bother to paint things like Demaree boards, as they are not in for that long, and over summer anyway. Certainly a crownboard under the roof needs no protection
  12. drex

    Transporting colonies

    Last year, I moved 3 colonies 360 miles in March. As you are doing with good ventilation. Frames orientated fore and aft. I stopped twice and misted them with a fine water spray. Foam in the entrance. Well strapped. All was good
  13. drex

    Essex new boy

    Strongly urge you to join your local division of Bbka. I used to live in Essex and was a member of the Colchester division. It was very good. Most associations offer a beginners theory course starting in Jan or Feb, usually followed by practical sessions at an apiary. I advise you not to buy...
  14. drex

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Been on the tablets for that for months. They work well.
  15. drex


    It is good to have someone with more experience to fall back on when really needed. I agree you need to find your own path, but start with conventional teaching and make your own choices as you go along. I am part of teaching newcomers, but I try to encourage them to be " thinking beekeepers "...
  16. drex

    Strap everything down -- it might get a bit bumpy

    It half blew an old pergola over. I went to investigate and the whole lot gave way with about 6 rafters, of 6x3 about 10 ft long fell right across my back. Thank heaven it missed my head. Very sore
  17. drex

    God I love growing our own

    Not as scientific as you Giles. All I can say is it steams in right conditions
  18. drex

    God I love growing our own

    I have no bother with my dalek composter as long as I layer it, with mixes of green and brown and give it occasional stir.
  19. drex

    God I love growing our own

    I find this with manure too, but if I add in layers with normal compost able stuff, it really does heat up. The manure acts as an accelerator
  20. drex

    oxalic Acid for Instantvap

    You need to know it is 99% pure oxalic if buying straight oxalic dihydrate