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  1. B

    Brood nest size most commonly used in the UK

    I would appreciate you give me those links.
  2. B

    Brood nest size most commonly used in the UK

    Hello, What is the size of brood nest most widely used in the UK? I do not care to give me that information volume in centilitres or total number of cells. I am seeking the best brood nest size for my climate: rainy, short summers, not hot. And with vegetation that has little mellific...
  3. B

    Hello, from Navarra (Spain)

    Thank you for your welcome! not worthy I have brood nest composed of a Langstroth box + medium Dadant super (10 frames). For honey harvest, Dadant supers with 9 frames. But I do not like, it is cumbersome to handle, I'm thinking about switching to Dadant box. I'm still not sure what the...
  4. B

    Hello, from Navarra (Spain)

    Hello, from Navarra (Spain) I live in mountainous area, near the Pyrenees, and I have a few hives for home consumption and gifts to friends. I am interested in learning about beekeeping in the UK, because I think it can be interesting for my climate