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  1. burren


    I found a (cheap) uncapping fork perfectly adequate last night for the 24 frames in my two suppers. Great for taking a light surface capping off and less wasteful . I found a knife a bit of a hit and miss. Much prefer the uncapping fork.
  2. burren

    porter escapes

    I cleared two supers in 24hrs, thought it might take 48 hrs but it didnt. Six bees only left.
  3. burren

    Introduced queen not laying

    What is the update on this,Tom?
  4. burren

    2 questions: cleaning + honey extraction

    Thanks Enrico knife will just be a normal one. Yes "tea" urn sounds like a good idea, might try that for the future. In the meantime will the "present" cleaning method be ok or is more needed?
  5. burren

    2 questions: cleaning + honey extraction

    Hello all I have two questions 1. when cleaning old frames for reuse - what can you use ? is a little washing up liquid and bicarb of soda(In hot-ish water) ok, and then dry naturally as dont want to use anything harsh. Or should I use something stronger. 2. which is easier/best to use in a...
  6. burren

    queen cell gone!!!

    yes correct drs "she" did he he ;)
  7. burren

    queen cell gone!!!

    Hi all a unsealed queen cell ( with larvae) was spotted in hive on 19th july. On checking today, queen cell was gone. I didnt see any more only 3 empty play cups. What shall i do with the bees that were waiting in the apidea since wed? Should I just release near the hive they came from...
  8. burren

    ohh what a day

    wow, what a flying startnot worthy excellent news
  9. burren

    My first batch!

    Well done, great pic, looks brilliantnot worthy
  10. burren

    Should I attempt releasing queen

    sorry, the attendants had been released, hadnt they?:o
  11. burren

    temp nuc - bad weather

    bee-smillieThanks Huntsman666 and Oliver90owner, will do just that tomorrow. Weather report says sun tomorrow, thank the lord
  12. burren

    Drone stuck in cell...

    ;):eek:u r very bad man
  13. burren

    temp nuc - bad weather

    thanks oliver90owner and jenkinsbrynmair. I just thought it was better for them, as the weather here (ireland) is sooo bad that a move from travel cardboard box to a nuc would be advisable ( less space to heat)etc . Yes but I agree it would be easier for me to do one transfer only, but might...
  14. burren

    temp nuc - bad weather

    Phew! will keep checking box. Many thanks PH
  15. burren

    temp nuc - bad weather

    Please can anyone advise/reassure me that another night in shelter would be ok for them?
  16. burren

    temp nuc - bad weather

    Hi all I picked up a "nuc" yesterday. They are in a modified cardboard box with two large vent holes on either side. I have keep them in a dark shed overnight and had planned to tranfer them to proper nuc box today. I have been given them water squirts regularly. My question is the weather...
  17. burren

    oh no not queenless again!

    weather was nice here today in co clare, 16 deg, pollen coming in at a fast rate. They are on omf, super was left under brood box with few frames of honey left to them over winter/ no quilt left in this year/ varroa floor out. Seemed like a good day to have a quick check inside the hive ( 1st...
  18. burren

    1st time making fondant- is it

    thanks Tim1606 I must get one to be sure.
  19. burren

    1st time making fondant- is it

    next attempt was perfect!! Although I got it to the same temp as previous (240F/115-117C) I reduced the temp while boiling so got a slow boil, ish rather than a furious boil. Weather not great today, so the girls may not be getting their treat as soon as I thought.
  20. burren

    1st time making fondant- is it

    thanks all for your replies:o I did use a jam thermo and thought temp was correct, but have watched rosti`s vid and will take it slower with the boiling this time. Todays attempt is going to be perfect1