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  1. burren


    Good news !? no roaring on Sunday, check for eggs on 21st.
  2. burren

    Gormanstown 23 -27 July

    Hi Snoop I wish I was, have been wanting to go for last 3 years. There are plenty going from Banner bees in co Clare though.
  3. burren

    mating flight

    Hi Beeno It was 12.30 and getting quite warm 18 deg. It was really great to see especially as today it is raining cats and dogs! thanks all for the reassurance.
  4. burren

    mating flight

    I presently have 3 hives superceduring. I have two hives on one site. one is at 22 days after hatching and the other hatched 10/11th july. I am hoping that what I saw today for the first time ever was a queen and "attending" bees off on a mating flight while I was mowing a nearby lawn. I heard...
  5. burren


    sooo many answers. It was a very loud roaring in the middle of the day all the while I was inspecting. I have not heard it before in three years of beekeeping. I ask because it was a hive with 4 supercedure cells ( 2011 queen) This has happened on all three hives lately with 2011 queens ( one...
  6. burren


    They were definitely doing it, it was very loud! So is queenlessness the only reason for this sound?
  7. burren


    Chris, is that the only reason and is that for definite? Thanks
  8. burren


    Why would a hive make loud "roaring" noises?
  9. burren

    Queen hatching (photos)

    cheers, great. I love to see them.
  10. burren

    apidea - not worked?

    Had two apideas work fine last year. This has happened. time line= bees (2 x cupfuls) put into apidea am 4th june / pm sealed queen cell inserted. Put in dark till 6th. Then put in half shady bush and opened(slide door,not roof), Expecting queen to emerge 12th (-14th). Looked through top...
  11. burren

    in the vein of "put my mind at rest

    yep chycarne I agreed with the above. You appear to have two queen cells or three. Pick the best, squish or use other two in apideas and wait.
  12. burren

    This year's model...

    Well done, enjoy! still waiting for some here. Have got two supersedures going on and have to be patient!
  13. burren

    wax glands ( photos)

    exc stuff Keith, cant wait for the queen emerging, thanks.
  14. burren

    Queen bee by post ? Ireland

    hi there. micheal macgiollacoda, pm me if you need more details. Are you in an association?
  15. burren

    Pink Pollen

    Any ideas what navy blue pollen might be from?
  16. burren

    New High Rise Apiary

    That looks a fine, grand and safe from preying eyes site!
  17. burren

    problem-no brood and honey blocked

    dont have any osr near me:toetap05:
  18. burren

    problem-no brood and honey blocked

    checked on 4th june - no new eggs,no q cells started on inserted frame on 29th. Queen(marked) seen walking around, no way near the brood frame though. Wondered if I should take her out then as I had managed to spot her, but didnt.:rolleyes: bees up in super, some nectar in there from frame 3-7...
  19. burren


  20. burren

    supercedure, but eggs.

    sorry, no q seen and no pics as no camera. one cell was nice and long, others were very stubbly, all central on frame and top ish but not around edges or near top or bottom bar.