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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. F

    Dead Chicken

    unfortunately for chickens they are bottom of the food chain and pretty much anything can and will take one, if it was enclosed and found close to the fence fox would be my bet had a few around here that would scare the chicken from one side of the pen so they all ran to the other side...
  2. F

    Replacement motor for Lyson Extractor

    single phase and brush motors are steadily disappearing, its cost, flexibility, and regulation. take the household vacuum cleaner they nearly always were a standard brush motor. now more and more they are a brushless motor ( multi - normally 3 phase motor ) they were never suitable...
  3. F

    Replacement motor for Lyson Extractor

    Single phase induction motors are hardly used anymore. While some applications they are fine the overall trend is even in single phase applications to use 3 ph motors with an inverter drive because it’s all round better. power factor is a big one for regs that no one actually cares about...
  4. F

    Quality of bee equipment

    everything ive bought has been 2nds , no packaging handling or transport issues with any of it. and tbh the fit-up on most of them has been bang on, had to run the belt sander over 2 to make them better but that was it, but they were 2nds and i banged them together freehand with a nail gun
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    Hive tools at dawn

    Same as any other type of forum really at least for the most part on forums people are more to the point
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    DIY project for some one with the nous .

    I'd advise against trying to make an extractor seriously i was a fabricator by trade and have a more than capable workshop. i looked at one cast the tape over it and ordered the materials when i saw the invoice for the materials i used them on another job and decided just to hire one this...
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    Honey For Sale Honey for sale

    i think there is very much a case of it dosent matter what your selling its how much effort you put into selling it i see a lot of 227g jars for £5.50+. i also see a lot of bigger jars for less it all seems to sell, imo dont be cheep and dont race to the bottom
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    It's only 300w i don't know of any generator that wouldn't run it i mean even the 2 stroke cheepies would do it. TBH these things need LI ion battery's i got halfway through building one for myself but the pixies ate my spare time it works on the bench i had a makita 5 AH 18v LXT series...
  9. F

    Extractor motor controller advice

    that used to be the case with well built kit but a lot of the Chinese stuff seems to be they don’t give much headroom on the drivers output stage, I’ve ripped off loads of pwm speed controllers with poped output stages
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    Form Usability

    I like tech but near a hive it. Just doesn't work Near a hive
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    by all means you can shoot at them,,,, but some of us may shoot back 🔫
  12. F

    Extractor motor controller advice

    Sounds like something has given up. Chances are is a basic crude speed controll and thyristor in it has poped if the unit is avalible economically I’d just replace it rather than investigate
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    Magpies on my mating nucs

    they are usally to sharp for those tricks
  14. F

    Magpies on my mating nucs

    pig netting 4" holes yes a bird can get through it but they have t calmly step through it, they can't just take off they dont like that, more than bg enough for bees just to fly though
  15. F

    Fruit tree blossom

    I think bees view apple trees like the questionable kebab shop yes they'll go there but it's defiantly not first choice
  16. F

    Magpies on my mating nucs

    I find the only thing that fixes a magpie issue is lead, just get it the first time and get them both . they are are cleaver things so you wont get Meany chances
  17. F

    Lyson (Abelo) 6 frame Tangential Extractor for sale SOLD

    i'm interested in this but bit of a trek for me from Herefordshire, would it ship and would you be willing to ship it ?
  18. F

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Stokbord in theory its fantastic stuff in practice its a bit rubbish, on the plus sides it doesn't seem to degrade much, it's tough and i mean very tough its also very wear resistant. however it warps and sags like crazy for me as a material it's just not stable enough that way for most...
  19. F

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    timber in general seem to have gone up about 25%. TBH B&Q seem comparable compared to builder merchant walk in prices, last year i was paying 11.40 a sheet for 11mm osb3. at the moment best price I can get is £15.20 but insufficient availability. if i actually want it it's more like £17...
  20. F

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    well my preferred little hammer was poorly, but it's got a new handle now :) the replacement pin hammer was utter rubbish just couldn't get on with it normally a tack it two touches tap and whack , ( I'm picky about my hammers ) though quite agree it just as easy to do the job with a good pin...