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  1. C

    Drayton style long hive

    Got the idea off BMH , tried it last winter and worked a treat , didn't even have to think about them until the spring and the brood box wasn't rammed with stores but as you say ......... each to their own.;)
  2. C

    Drayton style long hive

    Knife to the heart , devastated :laughing-smiley-014
  3. C

    Oxalic schedule

    Just got myself a Gas vap to try this year (got fed up of disconnecting the car battery) , question is at what intervals would you treat at? I have read some suggest day 1 , then 6 then 14 . What's everyone's thoughts?
  4. C

    Drayton style long hive

    I'd leave them 10 frames, put in a divider board and place a 10kg lump fondant above with the insulation. Job done.
  5. C

    Poly hive performance in heatwave

    Mine are sat in poly 6 frame jumbo Lang nuc on a concrete slab, OMF , hive is about 5ft tall though so imagine it’s hot in supers but cool in brood boxes.
  6. C

    Free treatments Exeter

    Anyone want : Apiguard gel trays x 6 exp 08/22 Maqs Sachet (2 strips) x 1 exp 01/23 Exeter
  7. C

    Poly hive colour

    Thanks for all the replies guys , I keep mine in the garden so trying to find the least offensive colour ! Grey just looks like some fancy contemporary rock !
  8. C

    Poly hive colour

    Daft question , is there any reason a poly hive can’t be painted a dark colour , I.e battleship grey.It won’t melt with the heat in summer will it ?
  9. C

    Cranky buggers

    Nah was definitely a follower type , 2 of her mates followed me into the house where they were swiftly dealt with ! No problems since . I think it was the delay putting in a new queen , made the split on Monday , expecting queen tues , queen didn’t come till today , they seem calm now queen is in .
  10. C

    Cranky buggers

    Was out in the backyard this morn walking past the hives as usually do , got whacked right under bridge of my nose , one hive is queenless which I know of and was requeened this morn and the other is possibly finding it a bit hot in there so added a few more supers. Wondering if OSR is coming to...
  11. C

    Overwintered Stores

    depends on how many fingers you have left 😮
  12. C

    Overwintered Stores

    Not at the Russians 😂
  13. C

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    was thinking it more swarm prep , queen is last years , box heavily crowded . Waiting on a new queen to be delivered to perform a split .Gone for ligustica this time .
  14. C

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Did first inspection : found queen 2 solid frames of drone 6 solid frames of worker with small patches of drone Couple of queen cells which I knocked down and then added another brood box above ! bringing in a lot of nectar and busy comb building new frames !
  15. C

    Supering Dilemma - Lothian

    What are peoples thoughts on a sacrificial super ? As in leaving a super on without QE over winter then removing it when weather warms up.Would that take care of any fondant that may have been stored above ? You could then stick it back on in the autumn after harvest .
  16. C

    Supering Dilemma - Lothian

    This is where boxes of the same size would come in handy , put all your boxes underneath as finman states to give room for the season , soon as weather is warm end of may find the queen and bash in the QE if needed, add a small upper entrance for drones to escape. This will be my plan going...
  17. C

    3rd Winter beckons

    would but people keep shooting holes in them !
  18. C

    3rd Winter beckons

    For that extra kick between the legs I’m currently in Poland and the fuel is £1.27 /litre and I’m close to the Ukrainian border! You’d think fuel would be astronomical here but then I forgot they don’t have a princess nut nut and a flat to decorate in the finest .
  19. C

    Keeping supers on all year

    Yeah thanks for all your replies , I’m trying to simplify my operation as I work away , so moving over to the jumbo langs fully , one frame size an all. My extractor can handle those anyway. Will make life easy having 12 frames in the box , should reduce swarming urgency in the spring and leave...
  20. C

    Keeping supers on all year

    yeah that’s a pretty good idea tbh , I’ve decided to give away my national hives to one of my family to start out and carry on with my poly jumbo langs . Management is far easier ! Same size boxes as you say !