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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Moggs

    Would you treat?

    Remember new beekeepers, that varroa levels are peaking as the colony size starts to diminish. More varroa and fewer bees can have a dramatic effect going into the cooler months so be certain that those low counts are indeed 'low'!
  2. Moggs

    winter preparation

    OMF open. Entrances mouse guarded, insulation 2" Kingspan on top of crown board. Allows ventilation, minimising condensation. There will be talk of matchsticks soon methinks...
  3. Moggs

    Turning a hive

    Phew! I'm glad you didn't...
  4. Moggs

    Public beekeeping talk

    What were we saying earlier about the value of this forum? Thanks Pete - on the day that I have been approached to give a talk to a local group, wondering if I could put something together in time! I would be indebted to you if I could make use.
  5. Moggs

    Turning a hive

    They will, eventually - but will get agitated. Much better to turn it in stages for minimum disruption. But don't expect them to change their journey to work - they will fly towards the forage, which of course will still be in your direction of approach!
  6. Moggs

    Large flakes of wax?

    No disrespect RB, but methinks if that's a standard thorny hive stand leg, then those bits are chunky! I would expect normal wax fallout to be along frame lines too.
  7. Moggs

    Local hives stolen

    It grinds my gears. Edit: on second thoughts - no point in adding fuel to the fire!
  8. Moggs

    Bees on OSR how to tell

    Drove along the M4 from Reading towards Swindon this late afternoon. The heady scent of OSR in adjoining fields was such that I could almost taste it!
  9. Moggs

    Large flakes of wax?

    Have you checked inside? Mouse damage being cleaned out?
  10. Moggs

    No eggs

    Sealed QC's in number, especially around edges of frames point to swarming/ swarmed bees. You may still need to act quickly. Photo's of these QC's? More frequent inspections will give you a better chance of timely intervention.
  11. Moggs

    No eggs

    You say that you had the intention of performing an AS. Maybe a little late? One assumes then that you may have noticed queen cells in development earlier - if so, that was your clue for action! You should still act as suggested or risk losing some more bees. When you say that the hive looks...
  12. Moggs

    Have to move hive

    Four week interval between inspections throughout the warmer months doesn't give much opportunity for proactive beekeeping. But bees will be bees.
  13. Moggs

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Early start 6 a.m. to close a hive for move to OSR. While at the site decided to have a peek at the others. Hey ho, nice fat QC's... Cheeky artificial swarm before breakfast. Anneka Rice on Radio2 commenting on people getting up at unearthly hour on a Saturday. Shall I text her? A day in...
  14. Moggs

    Nervous about new nucs

    Healthy bees are a big plus! A queen laying well is important, given the dodgy conditions that we have seen over so many months. However, are you going to get the chance of a good inspection? If you are, you should look for settled, though purposeful bees, healthy wings, a strong queen moving...
  15. Moggs

    How do you protect against insecticide spray?

    Chuckle. Yep, who's to say that spraying isn't happening on that yummy OSR acreage just over the horizon... :) BTW, squelched my way to the OSR bees this pm - bees on a mission - delightful!
  16. Moggs

    Nervous about new nucs

    There's a Standard for nucs - visit BBKA or FERA BeeBase. An experienced beekeeper with you will be able to tell what is good.
  17. Moggs

    How do you protect against insecticide spray?

    Unfortunately, you then run the risk of overheating :( Nobody said it was going to be easy.....:hairpull:
  18. Moggs

    How do you protect against insecticide spray?

    Ahhh, let us spray....
  19. Moggs

    How do you protect against insecticide spray?

    Have a chat with farmer. Most are obliging and may be able to spray late in the day. Close down time can therefore be at a minimum. I'm about to put mine on OSR. Farmer has my phone number and will phone when he intends to spray and he will spray in the evening. However, remember, farmer has a...
  20. Moggs

    Bee Hives on Allotments

    An excellent set of guidelines. Well done Newcastle!