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  1. D

    Clusters of bees outside the hive

    I had a similar situation last year,and after close inspection I noticed my queen under the hive,I must have dropped her while I was inspecting.
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    Clipping queens

    I wouldn't dare,I would be too scared of damaging her,
  3. D

    first inspection what a mess

    the old queen was one that had already superceded in early spring and didn't lay many eggs so I removed her last friday.are eggs laid by a worker just plonked in the bottom because they can't reach right down into the comb?these eggs were stood up.
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    first inspection what a mess

    just checked again today and the there are some eggs,I didn't see a queen,could this be a laying worker?the eggs were in the right position sticking upright.
  5. D

    Artificial swarm still making queen cells. What to do?

    if she a young strong laying queen,could you try and intoduce her to a queenless colony?
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    julia bradbury is nice 2 watch though.
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    sounds about right I live in an urban area and mine are doing great
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    The story so far

    my daughter is normally the one who spots them,even when they're not marked
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    The story so far

    The only time I've seen bees facing the queen was when I lost one under the hive,she is usually trying to get to the opposite face of the frame you are inspecting,so she is not still long enough for them to all be facing her.
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    I was surprised,they said he rents his bees to farmers.
  11. D

    first inspection what a mess

    checked on friday and the queen cells had gone,the queen was still there but still no brood,so I removed her and put in some eggs on a frame from the other hive,will they now make some new queen cells?
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I put another super on my 2nd hive,I removed the duff queen from my 1st hive and replaced her with a frame of eggs from my second hive,
  13. D

    WARNING Golden River Manufacturing Hives

    you could try the HMCS site and click on the small claims link,I did this with a company on e**y,its free and it worked for me I got my money back.
  14. D

    first inspection what a mess

    checked today,the queen is still there but I could not see any eggs,but there is still some sealed drone cells,there were 2 sealed queen cells on the face of the frames,they looked ok nice and long not smooth,so are they trying to supercede the queen again?will the new queens be any good?
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    first inspection what a mess

  16. D

    first inspection what a mess

    yep she is still there,I marked she could still start laying,she doesn't look poor quality,nice large queen.
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    first inspection what a mess

    ,should I remove the queen a few days before I put the frame in or a the same time?
  18. D

    first inspection what a mess

    checked yesterday and still no brood,was gonna put a frame of brood in from the other hive,but if a worker only lives for 35 days in summer,will there be enough time for them to produce another queen cell in time for the queen to mate and produce foraging bees before the existing foragers die?
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    first inspection what a mess

    ok cheers
  20. D

    first inspection what a mess

    The weather as been really quite warm,and there are drones in my hives,so other hives in the area will contain drones,will it be ok to wait a couple of weeks to see what happens?