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  1. P8010031


  2. P8010032


  3. P8010021


  4. P8010019


  5. P8010028


  6. D

    Bees in Compost Bin

    I like the acrobat bee in the second picture
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    Home Made Solar Wax Extractor

    22 mm,I got it from a job I did,where they were having a downstairs toilet put in,so the glass needed changing
  8. D

    What type of bees do I have

    they are probably fed up of being called out to swarms that turn out to be bumble bees.
  9. D

    Home Made Solar Wax Extractor

    I made one using a double glazed unit,I lined the box with some 20mm king span,it gets so hot that I burnt my fingers on the inside of the glass
  10. D

    What type of bees do I have

    Its a honey bee swarm,do you have a local beekeepers association you can ring?
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    do I need to remove the supers from the bottom hive before I reunite 2 colonies?
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    Artificial swarm

  13. D

    Artificial swarm

    when artificially swarming a hive does the queen have to be placed in a new brood box , and all the brood remain in the old one?or can it be done the opposite way round?,will all the bees know they are in the same hive? When carrying out inspections I would like to keep the same queen in the...
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    Marked queen flown the hive

    same thing happened to me,she had returned a couple of hours later.
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    Queen flew off when trying to catch her

    the same thing happened to me,she flew off into the distance after I marked her,but she was back a couple of hours later.
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    damaged queen

    just done an inspection and there are eggs,and a lot of em,there's a lot of grubs as well,what a difference 7 days makes,and I was going to destroy her when she had a poorly leg.
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    Weald Farm Orders

    has anyone tried the hmcs website,its a small claims site,its free and it works,I once got my money back through this service.
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    6 weeks old AS has been overrun with please!

    I've only seen 1 wasp and it seemed more interested in the dead bees on the apiary floor,but I have a small nuc so I will be on the lookout for more wasps turning up
  19. D

    Where did you get stung first time?

    I've been stung on my fingers and it hurts,but I was stung on my bottom eyelid last week and it wasn't too bad,it just swelled up a bit.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    was gonna reunite a couple of frames of bees in a nuc back into the main hive,so I filled a sprayer with sugar solution ready and when I opened it and checked it there was a queen,I couldn't find her yesterday so I thought maybe they had broken the cell down but she is there now.