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  1. Levitt53

    Frame assembly

    It goes in the same place but tight against the wax to secure it. You then put pins through the piece of wood and the loops of the wire (if you use wired ones) to secure it further. Look on youtube you'll find a simple video I'm sure. It makes sense.
  2. Levitt53

    painting poly hives

    I normally paint the bits where the boxes meet and in an unsupervised moment my husband painted the insides as well of one of them. It's been fine though so I wouldn't worry either way
  3. Levitt53

    Not treating varroa

    This is the last I will say but treatment free is regards to seeing if your bees can live with varroa not rejecting all modern thinking. Why do people assume that treatment free is just abandoning everything, not vaccinating your children, just abandoning hives. What you describe above is...
  4. Levitt53

    Not treating varroa

    I think I can be allowed to treat my children different to my bees.
  5. Levitt53

    Not treating varroa

    Surely keeping bees treatment free should be the aim of beekeeping as a whole (surely why would you not want to get to a place where you don't need to treat with chemicals). There is a whole movement of people of keep bees treatment free and do it by keeping lots of colonies, breading from...
  6. Levitt53

    Moved to double brood today

    That is exactly what I am planning to do today as I have two hives in the same position. Except I was not going to feed as the OSR is about to come out in full.
  7. Levitt53

    change of brood foundation

    Don't worry about asking questions. I was in this position three years ago and yes I tried to get rid of the comb gradually as I had not idea how old it was.
  8. Levitt53

    Queenless hive

    I'm in Cambridgeshire and two out of three of my hives have done brood so they are not far away from you. I would give it another week and then give them a test frame. Personally I've requeen this way several times and found it works fine, although I know a lot would not advise it.
  9. Levitt53

    Buying jars

    Ok thanks all for your advice.i think on balance I’ll wait and see what happens.
  10. Levitt53

    Buying jars

    I have three colonies which (fingers crossed) will all make it through the winter. If they do I hope to have a bit if honey to sell locally. I was going to buy some jars in anticipation (hopefully not tempting fate) but no where I can see has any on sale yet. I could get them from my local...
  11. Levitt53


    Fab, I’ve just ordered some. I completely ran out this year.
  12. Levitt53


    Which company is that from please?
  13. Levitt53


    I noticed that Thorne’s had started their in-house sale and Payne’s have poly hives on sale online. Do these companies sell frames and wax in an online sale generally? I’m wondering whether to hold off ordering for a bit as I need some more brood frames.
  14. Levitt53

    Jam sugar

    I’ve just made up some syrup using some jam sugar I inherited. I’m now thinking is it ok to use for syrup. It has added pectin for setting jams. Do you think this could be ok to use. It’s cooling at the moment but I could make something else.
  15. Levitt53

    Harvesting & Winter Prep

    Don’t be put off leaving them honey if you want to. That’s your choice. Yes sugar is cheaper than honey but it’s still up to you.
  16. Levitt53

    Late season supersedure

    Thanks for all your replies. I have one 2017 queen and two from this year so was just wondering. I learnt how to spot queens this year - finally. I’ll be in a better position to understand what is going on in spring.
  17. Levitt53

    Late season supersedure

    This is not a situation I’m going through I’m just trying to learn. When colonies supersede late in the season and have the new queen and the old at the same time I’m curious at what point the new queen gets mated and when do they kill the old queen. Does the new queen mate late in the year or...
  18. Levitt53

    Too late for Artificial Swarm?

    Are you sure it’s not super Sepersedure?
  19. Levitt53

    How much winter stores

    I’m all for women’s prerogative, female too. I found it nearly impossible to separate the floor from the brood box the first time I tried. Maybe you’ll have more success.
  20. Levitt53

    How much winter stores

    Hi Hebeegeebee, can you explain what you mean by the bit in brackets?