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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. W

    Buenas tardes amigos

    Hola mis amigos Hola y gracias Heather, De Nerja, al sur de Granada, cerca de la Autovía del Mediterráneo. Un pueblo muy muy bonito. Usted trae las abejas a Nerja? You bring bees to Espain o vacaciones? Gracias Marcros, yo vivo en la localidad de Meco, Alacla de Henares, Madrid. I have one...
  2. W


    CRG; it was Admin who says swarmy. Do he know the bees of Peteinwilts? Good advice. Same Frisby says, but says of his thoughts and worrys. No person says aggressive (angry?) bees. Mucho abrazo :grouphug: WMSB
  3. W

    Buenas tardes amigos

    Hola a todos, New bee in the hive near Madrid. Excellente reading your posts. HedgerowPete is muy fantastic Ambassador for beekeeping in Britain. Greetings for you my special friends. :grouphug: The sun she is shining very much. Muchas abrazos :grouphug: WMSB