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  1. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Just put the solar extractor out :nature-smiley-016: :nature-smiley-016::nature-smiley-016::nature-smiley-016:
  2. Jimmys Mum

    Who's satisfied with the season so far?

    My season has been pretty good too, I think I am very lucky with my apiary locations although my Spring crop is always OSR based and people here all seem to prefer runny honey so selling my soft set is always a challenge! Colonies have built up really well and only half have wanted to swarm...
  3. Jimmys Mum


    There is no definitive answer to this question. How close you can safely stand unprotected from a hive depends on so many things. Temperament and size of the colony, weather, how long ago and how peacefully the last inspection went, available forage, wasps or other pests......and the list goes...
  4. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Took MAQs off 2 hives. Everything seems as it should be. Queens seen, eggs present, no supercedure cells etc. just missing larger larvae as expected. Inserts were littered with varroa so hopefully it's done the job. Put some starter strips in one super hoping for some cut comb,.... Oh and I...
  5. Jimmys Mum

    Thieving bar stewards

    Ahhh, I seeee. Makes more sense now and nicking an entire 'set-up', hive stand too explains the thought behind locals just setting up. Good luck with finding them.
  6. Jimmys Mum

    Thieving bar stewards

    :iagree: Does seem a bit weird to leave an empty box. Taking the existing box leads to more chance of being found out I would have thought. Maybe they were disturbed and just took the easier option. Regardless, it is disgusting behaviour and it sickens me to hear of bee thefts. All of the...
  7. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I put a frame of grafted larvae taken from 'the hive from heaven' into the queenless 'hive from hell' this afternoon. Two colonies at absolute opposite ends of the behavior spectrum! Let's hope the hellish drones are on vacation on the day of the mating flights. The hive fom hell is boiling...
  8. Jimmys Mum

    Maqs and supersedure

    I have some on 4 of my hives at the moment. I know this has been discussed before but the NOD Europe website advise to close off mesh floors to prevent fumes from dumping out of the bottom. Most people I speak to are leaving their mesh floors fully open when...
  9. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Same here. Supers are getting notibly lighter. Only went in 2 hives today but both those queens are recently off lay and one hive is chucking out drone brood!
  10. Jimmys Mum

    Modified Snelgrove ll

    I've had a mixed success with this method of AS. Six hives AS'd. - Two queens 'lost'. Maybe my poking around too soon? So reunited with the old queens. - Two went as per the method, new queens now heading nice strong hives. - Two are now building QCs again after both parts being reunited...
  11. Jimmys Mum

    Smoker question

    Mmmmm....I stupidly forgot to bung the smoker after an inspection at one of my out apiaries today. 3 1/2 miles down the road I realised my mistake. Won't be doing that again. I think I remember seeing some dramatic pictures on here a while back of somebody's car a bit 'worse for wear' due to a...
  12. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Put MAQs on 2 hives with a current varroa problem. The others will wait until August I hope. Surprisingly little in the way of any reaction so far. Perhaps one plus side of the coolish weather we are having.......
  13. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Same here with one of mine. Not a drone layer, the new queen just vanished! Confirmed absent with a test frame. Will reunite with the original BF queen, one of Petes from last year so no problem with that! One of my already reunited modified snelgrove hives is full of queen cells again just 2...
  14. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Had a good day yesterday! Went to prepare the parent hive (thought now to be queenless) for a move to another apiary in readiness for a unite and blow me down, there she was, still merrily laying away so must have just missed spotting her! No swarm lost after all..:) note to self - Must get her...
  15. Jimmys Mum

    Paynes nuc feeder

    Ah, sorry, I've not seen the new design yet. Still have 6 of the old type! Thought it was odd that you asked! ;)
  16. Jimmys Mum

    Mite treatment this time of year.

    Yes, I bought some MAQs yesterday for a mid season treatment on one of my hives showing a lot of DWV. Lost a queen last time I used them so plenty of ventilation and space planned this time around!
  17. Jimmys Mum

    Paynes nuc feeder

    Nope, I block it all off and fill the cavity with expandable squirty foam. I use a rapid feeder in an eke if I need to feed.
  18. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Grrrr.....Lost my first swarm this season :( Was one of my modified Snelgrove II ASs. I inspected a fortnight ago, new laying queen, all fine. Thought I'd be safe for a fortnight to leave alone and let her get on and do her thing undisturbed. Room enough in the BB and room in the supers. Opened...
  19. Jimmys Mum

    Combining colonies

    I have the same situation Dan, with three supers between the two brood box entrances. Here's hoping somebody else has the answer!
  20. Jimmys Mum

    Is this the worst May since time began...

    I do agree with Cazza. My bees causing chaos in the fabric of a neighbours home is my worst nightmare! However I have a few bait boxes around my home apiary and if I notice any interest in them that I cannot attribute to my own bees then I do always call the other beekeeper in the village to...