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  1. Jimmys Mum

    Anybody seen Balsam out yet?

    That's my post from 10th July?...
  2. Jimmys Mum

    Late season Swarm control tactics

    Yep I have 2 hives still trying to take off here as well.
  3. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Took off the first round of supers today ready for extracting tomorrow. At last I will be able to say YES when people ask me for runny honey instead of soft set!!
  4. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Amalgamated a couple of unites into single brood boxes and introduced a lovely new HM Buckfast queen to her new home. I added yet another super to the hive of the very first HM queen I got back in 2013. She is still going strong, outperforming all the others by a long way. Sadly the 2...
  5. Jimmys Mum

    Anybody seen Balsam out yet?

    Yep, loads in flower on our little part of the Thames.
  6. Jimmys Mum

    Thorne's versus Mann Lake National Brood Boxes and Supers ?

    Says cedar in the catalogue. Currently sold out though. Boo!
  7. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Have you got a nice comfy chair in the bee shed? Power naps are the way forward I reckon! Congratulations to you and Mummy Swinton.
  8. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Loving my new 2015 out-apiary site. Field beans followed by an abundance of limes. Honey building nicely. I've had to cobble together bits of 'seconds' supers previously discarded as being too rough. Realised I can't afford to be that fussy as I am fast running out of boxes. Was sooooo sure I...
  9. Jimmys Mum

    LimeWatch UK

    My bees were all over it today at my out apiary :) .....lots of bumbles and hover flies (I think) too.
  10. Jimmys Mum

    how soon after moving a hive can I tear into it

    Sounds like the morning from hell! Well done!
  11. Jimmys Mum

    LimeWatch UK

  12. Jimmys Mum

    best place to buy mated queens

    Yes, I agree that would be the most logical explanation :( and I guess may still be a possibility but 2 test frames suggested otherwise and yes, I do always shake the bees off all the frames to give them a good look over. Especially at this time of year when the bee covering is so dense. Made...
  13. Jimmys Mum

    best place to buy mated queens

    Not really sure Obee, I had previously introduced another queen I had spare which they also rejected. No eggs were seen a week after that introduction. I put a test frame in just in case she was still there but not yet laying, but a week later they had drawn emergency cells. I broke those all...
  14. Jimmys Mum

    LimeWatch UK

    So, if the lower leaves of the lime trees are a bit shiney and sticky, is that the nectar dripping from the flowers or could it be honeydew? Sorry, lots of questions! My honey has always been very light and mild so I'm intrigued. I think I will extract supers from around the limes individually...
  15. Jimmys Mum

    LimeWatch UK

    What does honeydew honey taste like?
  16. Jimmys Mum

    best place to buy mated queens

    Yep, another vote for Pete Little at Exmoor bees. You are so right though EricA, I lost one of the two I introduced 2 weeks ago, gutted. Put in a test frame which they drew EQCs on so thought I was safe but they still didn't accept her. Grrrr! His queens produce very calm productive bees. Lovely.
  17. Jimmys Mum

    LimeWatch UK

    Just popped down to where I have 5 hives sat at the end of an avenue of huge lime trees all in full flower......not a single bee to be seen on them. :( Too dry?
  18. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Was quite a biggy. Husband was trapped in his workshop for an hour when it arrived into the hive which was positioned just outside! I wasn't there but apparently the air was black.... ;)
  19. Jimmys Mum

    Bait Hive swarm - am I doing this right?

    I've just checked on a swarm here that arrived on Thursday. They have drawn out 6 frames of 14x12 foundation and have plenty of stores with no feeding at all! Reckon they'll be fine as long as your local forage is ok.
  20. Jimmys Mum

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Finally got around to checking out a swarm which arrived into one of my bait hives last week, a 14x12 poly nuc with an extra eke. It only arrived last Thursday and has already drawn out all 6 frames of foundation and there are eggs on 3 frames. Lovely gentle bees with a chestnut brown coloured...