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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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    Where to get Open mesh wire

    get to your car boot sale and buy fire guards as long as the mesh in it, is in good nik and the mesh is of the correct size.
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    Queenless Nuc

    i left the candy in, with 2 layers of newspaper covering the end held on with a rubber band, left them for 4 weeks and still lost 5 queens out of 6, ******* bees, why dont they behave constantly? done that method lots of times and its always worked successfully, until now
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    How to make frames fit into a top bar hive?

    i bought the timber put a grove in the middle of each one, cant remember the width get it correct and its a bee space, the problem is when checking them as the comb is only fastened to the top, i placed some strips of foundation in the groves, the bees just built up from the foundation, it was...
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    Holiday bee pictures

    if you get any disease issues???????????? do the lot suffer?
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    bee inspector

    can only say very good inspections up here in the north one day we had a tour with one, chose 4 apriary site s to inspect in one day and invited our assoc to join him on his tour and he saved time coing out on 4 different occassions. Bee Safari we called, supped lots of tea that day!!
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    tips for getting bee's to move into a super.

    put in a couple of drawn frames in with the foundation, even better if they have some honey in
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    quality guys
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    Ambrosia Or Sugar Syrup

    i understand bookers cash and carry do 25 kilo sacks of sugar and will sell to beeks, just need your membership card
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    Laying worker?

    same problem here, a drone layer has got through queen excluder too and laid in supers also!!, trying to find her is not easy.
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    Disadvantages of Beekeeping

    the bee widows, just like golf ones i suppose, allergic reactions to propolis/venum/bad backs/sticky kitchen floors/fuel to get to out apiaries/bee poo in the car when you get bees in the car/propolis in places. need any more?
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    Lime Trees.

    bloody lovely honey from lime trees
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    what tools in your beekit?

    i have a brill tool, not a personal one, but it is an old, very heavy duty hacksaw blade, about 5mm thick and 20mm deep, great for cleaning out the grove in those frames you need to clean and prep when replacing foundation, i just use it as a saw blade cleans out the grove perfect, just in the...
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    Nasty Bees

    brood hatch in 6 weeks? wrong advice, just check how long it takes for brood to emerge.
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    Whats This????

    i called out to a swarm of bees 2 years ago and it were these bloody bugs!!
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    Angry farmer wants me to move hive

    agree, ive had 3 visits from the environmental health team, whilst sympathetic to keeping bees, they did insist that i do something to stop them shiting on my neighbours car, merc in fact and quoted an earlier injunction against a beekeeper whose bees had stung a neighbour, whose side are they...
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    Top Bar Mesh Gauge

    try buy good fire guards at car boot sale s AND CUT TO SIZE, ,
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    Bees and Badgers

    piss near your hives, evidently that keeps em away, how true not sure, but thats what the oldies say!!
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    Compulsory registration?

    o f course thefts of hives concern me, but registration may help with the control of diseases!! there are people not in an association or registered on beebase and could be harbouring some nasties. I know of some who loose their bees on a regular basis, like each year, i wonder why?
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    how much is a swarm worth ?

    if it really is a freindthen i would give them the swarm for nowt
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    Whats the going rate for used kit

    i went to an auction and they were paying more for used bboxes than you can new seconds for.