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  1. garethbryson

    Info needed on how to start up in Beekeeping?

    Hi, I'm in Ballyronan(Just outside Cookstown) I just started this year. if you PM me i'll give you the number of the woman in Cullybackey thay taught our beginner course. She should be able to help you. Gareth....
  2. garethbryson

    ? destroyed queen emergancy

    I'm just letting nature take its course..
  3. garethbryson

    ? destroyed queen emergancy

    Sorry to hear your tale of woe, I'm in exactly the same situation myself but as my bees are mongerels to start off with i dont really mind what i get. Here is a link to someone that sells buckfast queens on line. I hope this helps...
  4. garethbryson

    First inspection

    Get yourself a water sprayer and when they mill round on the top of the frames give them a mist with the water, that'll put them down onto the box for you.
  5. garethbryson

    working layer fix!

    how do you get rid of the laying workers them HM? if you requeen will the new queens pheremone subdue the workers overies again?
  6. garethbryson

    Supercedure or swarmed?

    i dont think so as she was laying a really good pattern of worker brood on the frames last week.
  7. garethbryson

    Supercedure or swarmed?

    i know because i could see it when i removed it to leave the best looking sealed cell on the bottom of a frame. the other 2 (one sealed and one not sealed, both woth royal jelly and a larva) were built on the face of a frame of brood.
  8. garethbryson

    How did you get into Bee Keeping?

    They can also be the most infuriating little creatures at times too. I got into beekeeping as is was probably the only thing left for me to try.:rofl: SWMBO will agree on this one. In my youth i had fast cars, raced motorbikes, showjumped and most other things. I was reared on a farm and in my...
  9. garethbryson

    Supercedure or swarmed?

    I only gave them one feed when i got them and there was lots of room for them to use. i might actually give thema feed as there wasn't alot of stores in there yesterday evening.
  10. garethbryson

    Supercedure or swarmed?

    I got a nuc 3 weeks ago and all seemed to be going well. I have never seen the quen but seen lots of evicence that she was there, Lots of eggs etc. Due to weather and other reasons i didnt get to do an inspection for 9 days. When i opened the box the bee's were crazy, they were usually very...
  11. garethbryson

    TED HOOPER MBE Guide To Bees & Honey

    you should have no bother selling it on here, My dad bought me a copy and i already had one. Could have sold it 10 times over..
  12. garethbryson

    Ah...a sting kit...

    I think i'd rather bail out the side!?!?!?!?!?!?:cheers2:
  13. garethbryson

    Ah...a sting kit...

    About as usefull as a handbrake in a canoe ashtray on a motorbike 1 legged man at an arse kicking contest ejector seat on a helecopter Inflatable anchor/dart board...
  14. garethbryson

    Hive Inspection Software

    Sounds like a great idea, I'll have a look when i get home. Bloody work internet is filtered and keeps blocking it.
  15. garethbryson

    apideas/nuc/emer q cells - what?????

  16. garethbryson

    Exams all done, now bring on the bees.

    I didnt do it for the certificate, Like i say it was during thw winter, and it was 10 monday nights in a row followed by 2 practical nights in a club apairy.A few eeeks later we then had a half hour written exam and a practical examination. All they were looking for in the practical exam was...
  17. garethbryson

    bees bringing pollen

    It was actually, By the person that told me!:laughing-smiley-004
  18. garethbryson

    bees bringing pollen

    Yes they do "FOR FEED"
  19. garethbryson

    First Inspectoin of MY OWN bees

    should i do that ASAP or will it be ok till next week's inspection???
  20. garethbryson

    bees bringing pollen

    when they bring in pollen its a sign that they need it for feed. nothing else!!!