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  1. R

    Can't find the queen

    I cant figure out what on earth this is about??? Drone laying queen? requeen them!! Drone laying workers? how many are in the colony? they can be more trouble than they're worth, but as mentioned I believe tipping the bees out a good distance from the hives can sometimes stop the drone laying...
  2. R

    Queen piping...

    You can still get them, but would you be bothered, the reason I keep bees is to go through hives and actually see for myself whats going on, not having to build and look at something that resembles some old ex military test kit.....and having done 9 years as a radar tech in the RAF(many moons...
  3. R

    Queen piping... Cant see anything in the component list that cant be got hold of or substituted.....if anyone wants to be bothered that is!
  4. R

    Bee Suits - Care of

    Oooops sorry meant to say I normally soak in bleach or dab heavily marked areas with bleach, rinse it THEN chuck it in the wash, :o Not go over it with bleach if the wash doesnt shift it, or wash it in mistake
  5. R

    Bee Suits - Care of

    I recently bought another traditional cotton suit from bee basics and cant speak highly enough of them. I wash mine whenever it needs it, and then chuck the suit in the dryer (minus the veil) on low heat, or hang it on the line if its not persisting it down. If its clean I chuck it in a hessian...
  6. R

    Get Yourself An Epipen.

    The ambulance crew did administer adrenaline once I was in the back of the ambulance, and they had assessed my condition. I cannot fault them, and I am truly gratefull to them. I was indeed breathless, but it manifested itself as more a "tiredness" than a difficulty breathing. Almost like my...
  7. R

    Get Yourself An Epipen.

    Exactly John.....LIFE OR DEATH!!!, but how many new beekeepers could overreact? Thats what worries me about this scenario. I have to admit I am more worried about the possibility of having to use the epipen than getting stung! Roy
  8. R

    Get Yourself An Epipen.

    Having been through what I went through this weekend my first reaction is to agree with you. But after a little thought on the matter, if you are that worried about possible reactions, then maybe its worth getting allergy tested BEFORE you get stung and find out the hard way? I now believe I...
  9. R

    An Experience of Anaphylaxis

    Thanks for that, I was also reading of other accounts that my GP showed me on his PC too. So it might be more common than we realise! makes you wonder how many beekeepers are taking them and could be at risk. But until I know for certain I still wont be taking any unneccessary chances. As...
  10. R

    An Experience of Anaphylaxis

    Thanks for all the good wishes everyone it is truly appreciated. One interesting thing I've found out from my GP is that there apparently has been documented cases of beekeepers with previously normal immunity developing hypersensitivity to stings while the beekeepers were taking non steroidal...
  11. R

    AS advice

    I'd go with just one frame of brood with the queen on too. After all no swarms I know of travel around with pollen and stores as well as brood. If they don't think they've swarmed they may well do it again. The reason the swarm hasnt left after sealing the queen cells is probably down to the...
  12. R

    An Experience of Anaphylaxis

    Thanks again for the kind words people, and yes Gavin my doctor is making enquires into what happened and I'm not ruling out desensitisation. I've visited my doctor this morning to keep him in the loop, and he is as baffled as I am. Normally anaphalaxis is swift in its onset, mine took over half...
  13. R

    An Experience of Anaphylaxis

    Thanks for the kind words everyone. Other than feeling like I've been run over by a bus, and aching from head to toe I'm fine. I couldnt agree more about the potential time bombs waiting in people back gardens though! This New Beek had only joined our branch this year, after recieving her bees...
  14. R

    An Experience of Anaphylaxis

    Well I'm now up and about after a very eventful 24 hours that I really dont fancy repeating again in a hurry!!. I apologise for the length of this post but if theres a chance someone may learn something from my stupidity then its worth it. After 20 years of beekeeping and God knows how many...
  15. R

    Swarm or chill

    Are you coming to the Liverpool apiary meeting tomorrow at Bishop Eaton?
  16. R

    Swarm or chill

    Where about in Merseyside are you, are you in the the Liverpool or Ormskirk branch?. The forecast is for scattered showers tomorrow afternoon, improving as it goes on. How old is the queen?. How many frames of brood where they on when you last looked in?, how much space did they have left and...
  17. R

    Now Is The Chance To Have Your Say

    Ho hum......I never mentioned ANYWHERE in my posts that the BBKA is "lily-white"....but dont let the facts get in the way. As I've said I just wish we could all get on...but I think theres more chance of me being prime minister tomorrow :rolleyes:
  18. R

    Now Is The Chance To Have Your Say

    doesnt it have to be untrue to be libellous???:biggrinjester: As for the rest of the above I must be drinking the stuff that Bayer produces, so you're speaking from experience about it eh? :biggrinjester:
  19. R

    Now Is The Chance To Have Your Say

    Yes most people have READ about the plight of the honeybee, but a lot of the reading material has been instigated by the BBKA press office ringing various publications, I know I've been contacted by local and national press regarding urban beekeeping on allotments after having my details...
  20. R

    Now Is The Chance To Have Your Say

    What is the campaign group they speak of?....and who is the spokesman? As PH has said...a lot of untruths and speculation at best with a lot of that article. All I see is the potential for even more division among beekeepers. If people really want to make a difference why dont they become...