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  1. R

    Thick rubber stingfree gloves?

    Tell your mentor to shove certain parts of his naked anatomy in the middle of the next open hive he comes across. People doing things like that make my blood boil, I for one would have something to say to your mentor!!! If you are nervous with your bees it will make you far more prone to making...
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    Top bar

    That was sooooo refreshing to read, I think you've got it spot on, you can be a bad beekeeper no matter what type of hive you are using. I've used home made foundation many times in my nationals, and I plan to start doing so again this year. I also try to leave my bees with as much stores as...
  3. R

    Top bar

    Please tell me how hive design has brought about the plight of the honey bee now? As far as I am aware the various setbacks that honeybees have suffered have been a result of beekeepers as a whole and nothing at all to do with hive design. The way I see things is as soon as we take bees out of...
  4. R

    What to do from 3-4 weeks queenless

    The pollen and honey will be used by the colony to raise new workers, so I'd leave it where it is, you're just giving them more work to do. I'd put all the frames of stores back, that way they dont need to draw foundation and they've got the stores that they will need to raise numbers. We all...
  5. R

    When to inspect after a swarm.

    Have you got a mentor?....gather really do need to get through them and try to see whats going on.
  6. R

    Fresh from the doctors....

    Good it just me that gets a throat as dry as a pharoahs sock whenever it comes to taking a tablet? :ack2:
  7. R

    Fresh from the doctors....

    Thing you've got to watch with Piriton, is that it can make you drowsy. On the advice of the doc I've started taking them just before I go through my bees so its in my system before any bee venom if I get a sting.
  8. R

    Your help is needed please

    Blimey!!!!......I thought it was quite educational....though I havent figured out wether I fitted into the trying to be helpful , or the know it all camp. Wasnt trying to be all knowing. But it does show harsh some people get in answering simple questions, maybe we should all count to 100 before...
  9. R

    Your help is needed please

    I assume that this is another of Bcrazy's questions intended to get people thinking about their beekeeping. (A good thing...a good few beeks wade in without giving much thought to what they are doing at times I think) If not, then its good to see the answers anyway!:D) If it is they myself, I'd...
  10. R

    bee'ginners fever!

    How many frames of brood are there?, is there much emerging brood? once that starts to emerge, then the queen will have empty cells to fill with eggs, and the young bees will increase the hive workforce to speed up the drawing of the combs. At the moment there maybe mainly older bees more intent...
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    Fresh from the doctors....

    Blimey, thats bad news.....we must have super venomous bees these days, experienced beeks are dropping like flies! :o Wonder if they are evolving more potent venom to keep us out of their hives? Funnily enough though my doctor and I were talking for about 15-20 minutes about bees today, the...
  12. R

    An Experience of Anaphylaxis

    Thanks PH, As an update, I've just returned from my doctors, and we BOTH believe I had a reaction due to the possible use of Ibuprofen and the amount of venom recieved. I'm also going for tests in the next few weeks to check my sensitivity to bee venom as a precaution. The problem with true...
  13. R

    An Experience of Anaphylaxis

    Hate to say it, but this colony was a case in point, this beekeeper had not been a member of ANY BKA when she got her bees and only joined ours this spring, her garden is a small urban garden, numerous complaints had already been lodged with the council. I went to stop any more swarms emerging...
  14. R

    bee temperature

    I dont think it should effect them, the most important thing is the ambient air temperature. Also if they are getting the sun first thing in the morning, then they will soon be up and about to make up for it. Arthurs apiary is in dappled or full shade all day and it never stops his bees ;)...
  15. R

    bees, frames, and the shakes...

    Blimey how hard was he shaking the frames to snap the frame extensions?...if thats what I gather you mean? It doesnt take much of a shake to dislodge the bees, its certainly never has had any detrimental effect on any colonies of mine as far as I'm aware, but losing half the colony due to...
  16. R

    Dont slack on the protection!

    I've had a good look at the pics now and as far as I can see the only place the bees are trying to sting is on the gloves, the sweatbands, and maybe the front of the veil? To me, and please take this purely as constuctive critisism It seems they dont look like particularly aggressive bees, but...
  17. R

    Dont slack on the protection!

    I must admit the black gloves go against everything I've experienced and been told. The fuzzy sweatband could be the reason that they kept attacking the area, the bees would get caught in that material, feel trapped/threatened and the result you can see in the last pic. Once a few bees start...
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    1st Super Preparation

    How many manley side bars have you got? they have the same length bottom bars but have like a shoulder on them so both the top bar and bottom bars have a width of 1" 1/16 if that makes any sense (easier to explain in person!) If you have SN1's I cant see any problems with sticking with those...
  19. R

    Comb formation where it shouldn't be!

    Damn, virtually posted the same thing :redface:
  20. R

    Comb formation where it shouldn't be!

    Welcome to the forum....hopefully you'll get all the help you need here. First off, where about are you? If we know where you are there will probably be someone nearby who could give you a hand and go through the bees with you. A full colony of bees can be very intimidating, but you are picking...