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  1. R


    Bee Basic do great suits, and at a good price too :coolgleamA:
  2. R

    Test frame question

    Blimey seems like a lot of palava, damp bar towel or the like and then shove it in a plastic bag or loosely wrapped in cling film........just keep it out of direct sunlight so it doesnt fry..... simple :coolgleamA:
  3. R

    BBKA Membership

    In a nutshell there are a some that dont like the way the BBKA are running things and want to break the monopoly of thier running of the craft. Others are quite happy with the way things are going. and yet even more cant be bothered one way or the other as long as they dont have to do anything...
  4. R

    Another new nuc

    The problem with rapid feeders is that the bees will not often know it is there, syrup has no odour and doesn't attract them, so dribble a little down from the top of the feeder cone onto the bees and combs below, they will soon find it (not too much you dont want to drown them or have syrup all...
  5. R

    Nuc in 5 days...

    How longs a piece of string? I just give them as much as they'll take to draw out the foundation. I normally give around a gallon, which will give them a good start, but if there is a good flow on they might need much less. But no bees ever died from overfeeding as far as I'm aware!:)
  6. R

    Nuc in 5 days...

    I normally place the frames from a nuc towards one side of the brood box, they will then expand across the new frames in one direction only, normally quicker in my experience, than expanding in both directions if the nuc frames were in the middle of the brood box. The other thing is that as they...
  7. R

    Caucasian Queens

    Oh dear oh dear oh dear!!!....seems that Amm is the beekeepin equivalent of marmite!!! personally I love them! :cheers2:
  8. R

    Please Advice

    As PH said the last thing you want to be doing is basically propagating bad tempered bees, if there is a local beekeeper around with good tempered bees then if you can use a couple of frames of their eggs great. Doesnt the BKA down there have a pretty active beebreeding group working with...
  9. R


    Where about are you?, I'm on the outskirts of Liverpool, and if you get stuck I can get a frame of eggs and young brood to you. I'm running dark bees, I'd say Amm but dont want to risk the flaming that merely uttering the words Apis mellifera mellifera seems to invoke!!! :toetap05: regards Roy
  10. R

    An Experience of Anaphylaxis

    My doctor has told me it maybe a good idea to do this, he did give the explanation in detail, but the upshot of which was that its in your system already, rather than trying to play catch up after an envenomation in a possibly time limited situation. After what happened to me, I'll try to keep...
  11. R


    Always best to face hives away from any movement or activity. Or even better to not have them around places where conflicts are possible. You could always try some six foot high trellis with netting on it, planted maybe with sweetpeas or something similar around the hive too, to get the bees up...
  12. R

    It's begun...........!

    Apparently they are selling after realising they are going to be away too much of the time this year and next. Maybe it would have been wiser to check out what the craft entails before parting with cash? ;) I dont think that honey prices are going to drop, may even go up!!!....all these people...
  13. R

    Midnight inspections?

    Thanks for near choking me Firegazer, I'm now having to clean coffee off my monitor and keyboard..... I soooo need to try that Doom Bar!!! :cheers2:
  14. R

    Top bar

    Ho hum, all this thread has seemed to do is fuelled the us versus them attitude of some beekeepers. It seems that you are using this thread as an open invitation to randomly rant against civilisation as it stands, susbees. As for giant multi nationals ruining the world I beg to differ to some...
  15. R

    It's begun...........!

    Wonder why they are selling it?...and surely it cant be sold "as new" if its now sitting in the garden???....wonder what it will go for?....soooo many questions...I'm curious now :D
  16. R

    Midnight inspections?

    This sounds like it could be a new event on that Japanese "Endurance" show or whatever it was called :hurray: I remember dropping a full colony in the dark once when a nice new hive strap broke when bringing hives back from the heather, (The hive was also new with sharp edges and cut through...
  17. R

    Thick rubber stingfree gloves?

    :D I thought that only happened to the likes of me! .....but I'm not going into details :o I would just encourage anyone to use what they feel comfortable with, that doesnt endanger them OR the bees. But I'll tell you what, I cant even remeber having conversations like this 20 years...
  18. R

    Midnight inspections?

    Damn this sounds like it could be a hoot, can I come and watch if you try it? :reddevil: Nah seriously.....not a good idea....REALLY its not. As everyone else has said ALL the bees will be at home and well and truly hacked off that a midnight invader has come to disturb them. Not only that, if...
  19. R

    Thick rubber stingfree gloves?

    But what would your reaction be if one of these people then keeled over in front of you, as I did a couple of weeks ago, then say that it was your fault because you had insisted they didnt wear what they thought was appropriate protection? Not being diliberately awkward, just giving you a...
  20. R

    Thick rubber stingfree gloves?

    Same as I do now, I am slightly horrified by the people INSISTING on newcomers to the craft wearing thin or NO gloves?? you get them to sign a disclaimer that absolves you of any responsibility towards their health while you're at it? Do you question them about any medications they may be...