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  1. J

    stung again grrrrrr

    Damn unlucky m8, remember when i was a kid going to school ,made me wonder whether i should wear my dads hat on the way out of the house lol.
  2. J

    swimming pool problem!

    some peeps put a giant fake heron by their ponds to protect the fish, maybe a fake hornet by your pool :)
  3. J

    Dead Hive

    yeah i agree single national works fine for me
  4. J

    Wing stumps

    Deformed wing virus (DWV) is suspected of causing the wing and abdominal deformities often found on adult honeybees in colonies infested with Varroa mites. These symptoms include damaged appendages, particularly stubby, useless wings, shortened, rounded abdomens, miscoloring and paralysis...
  5. J

    Queen cells

    i when i was a lad aged about 12 ish, i helped my dad with a smoker and basically fetched and carried, and helped with the spinning then jaring/labelling this continued to about when i joined the army at 16 in 1985 during my spell in the army my dad was telling me of his antics (letters and...
  6. J

    Queen cells

    once a week during warm weather, now the spinning is over and the colder weather approaches looks like we will be opening them up less often, As this is my first year (starting in June) its been weekly inspections, observing the hive, my dad pointing out the differant areas of the brood to look...
  7. J

    Queen cells

    Well i suppose it depends how much you use, im not suggesting its a cure or anything just passing on what a old beekeeper told my dad in the old days and what my dad uses now etc still i suppose if you used pure nicotine it would kill the bees and whatever is riding on their back off, how i...
  8. J

    Going to add a second brood box tomorrow

    yeah see ur point i was just reading the opening post, i was just curious what he meant by bursting if im fair
  9. J

    My first inspection alone :)

    Kaz i can tell from reading about your antics you take great joy and care in looking after your bee's From all accounts from what ive read (reading your joy and excitement) and from what little hands on experience i have your bee's will have every chance to make it through, But nature will...
  10. J

    Queen cells

    I did look into this as curiosity a while ago when i first asked my dad, he didnt know either - he just siad it seems to work so as it works he does it, anyways about 2 months ago i found this; EXPERIMENTAL TRIAL In Spring 1995 colonies showed some delay in their build up. A lot of crawling...
  11. J

    Going to add a second brood box tomorrow

    My definition of bursting is that u lift up the cover and the bees pour out like fermented honey from a jar, I agree with the others this time of year is not the time to be giving them loads more work as the population will be decreasing some what, - I would just add a super of empty spun racks...
  12. J

    Queen cells

    nah - what we do every week is scrape clean the excluder, theres a quilt beneath the crown board so that fine, the quilt is changed once a month (cleaned etc) The floor is swept weekly and the contents placed in a bag for inspection (he uses a magnifying glass) Then once a month he swaps the...
  13. J

    Queen cells

    Well hes still passing info to me as time go's on but he said one of the older chaps that has since passed away advocated the following (and this is only what has been passed down and ive yet to get more info from him) anyway sofar ive managed to get the following info from him; 1) Regular...
  14. J

    Queen cells

    Well ive seen the same in meetings where people sit around the table advocating their knowledge and in disagreement, im a 5th generation beekeeper (little hands on experience) but my dad now 71 has 30 yrs, his dad 50 yrs and his dad knew william carr, my credentials and exp im happy with, yes...
  15. J

    Queen cells

    From what im lead to understand, if your Queen is injured the workers will in fact kill her, again this is from im lead to believe, ie sometimes they can kill clipped queens
  16. J

    Queen cells

    Tbh and i do always bow down to other peoples knowledge but every other person (beekeepers) most with over 20 to 30yrs + experience advise me they head down but as always bees dont always follow the written norm, As they advised me they sometimes do the opposite to what the books and exp...
  17. J

    Queen cells

    If the queen is in the supers, and a excluder is preventing her from going down to the brood, then try removing the excluder, 'generally' but not always the queen should head downward and enter the brood. Leave it for a few days and recheck, if you cant see the queen then look for new eggs in...
  18. J

    Cordless Phones

    As others have said, more experiments are needed, but i know i wont have my mobile switched on near a hive without a hat & veil at least lol
  19. J

    Cordless Phones

    few weeks ago my mobile phone rang while i was inspecting a brood (passed the phone to my old man) while he was talking i i wondered where all the bee's were (having had a previous experience of bees marching one after another into a hole in my overalls - i did a quick check) there were...
  20. J

    How much

    Cheers Chalkie - Hive picked up and transported home :) Great bloke to do business with thanks again & nice meeting you