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  1. P


    when adding a second supper would you leave the fiirst at top or bottom?. regards paul
  2. P

    replacing old frames

    thanks craig
  3. P

    replacing old frames

    what is the best way to replace old black frames?
  4. P

    a/s swarms

    moved old hive to one side found queen put her on a full frame of brood with no queen cells and filled the rest of the space with foundation put q/e on and suppers on top.old brood box i left two open queen cells put back together and fed
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    a/s swarms

    i did an a/s a week ago and put queen excluder on bottom to keep them in as they seem very swamey bee,s but three days later they swarmed. after about half an hour they all went back in hive so i checked thriugh the hive and they had made queen cells so i removed them and put hive back...
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    snelgroveboard and supers

    would do normal a/s but not much room.i have six hives and not room to each side for new hive regards paul
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    snelgroveboard and supers

    yes i put board on about two weeks ago regards paul
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    snelgroveboard and supers

    when using a snelgrove board can i check supers and put more on as needed as oil seed rape is in my area. if not how much time would you give it. many thanks paul
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    buckfast queen

    were is a good place to buy buckfast queens from. regards paul
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    how to use snelgrove board

    thanks for quick is good info. regards paul:)
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    how to use snelgrove board

    hi all i am planning on using the snelgrove board this year as i have only a small amount of space.i know you put queen in bottom broad box on a frame of broad and fill the rest of the space with foundation.and in the top broad goes the rest of the broad with two queen is the opening...
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    swarm trap plans

    thanks for quick reply. regards paul
  13. P

    swarm trap plans

    does any one have any drawings to build a swarm trap for anational hive. regards paul