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  1. B

    Colony Population Model

    Gotcha - thanks. The bare wood might also act as a useful moisture trap, similar to Dave Cushman's thoughts on the wood fibres in a natural colony.
  2. B

    Colony Population Model

    It seems that physicists are attracted to beeking. I used to be a physicist a very very long time ago. I spent some time working on and with Monte Carlo models for reactor safety analysis (Monk, Keno) and have wondered in the past what would result if you took a similar approach to modelling...
  3. B

    Colony Population Model

    Thanks for these photos. I am being dim, I'm afraid - what is the thinking behind the cavity? It would seem to provide a circulatory route for air rising up from the centre of the brood, but I may (very well!) have misunderstood the intention.
  4. B

    Colony Population Model

    I've obvisouly not made a study of it, but I can understand Dave Cushman's logic. I cannot find any prior mention of your crown chamber design on the forum (forgive me if I missed it) - I'd be interested to hear more about it. I also remember that you have posted before about having probes in...
  5. B

    Colony Population Model

    Snap! My initial attempts blew up or collapsed, so I thought I'd try to get hold of something to play with to get a better idea of the dynamics of the system, and this is the only one I've found so far. I'd be really interested to hear about it, if you find it. Thanks for this link - it...
  6. B

    Colony Population Model

    I was looking for a simulation of bee colony population, and it would appear that were was a web-based model (webbeepop) which not longer exists. However, I also found this: which models both bee population and also varroa...
  7. B

    Possible Syllibus

    How about: Protective clothing and other equipment (and dealing with stings?) Simple hive, nuc, frame construction Also, if there's an inspections section, how about including external observations?
  8. B

    Maisemores have a sale on

    My order arrived today - and I watched the courier drop a box marked "fragile" off the back of the van onto the ground... I signed for it, but crossed out the "received in good condition" and then called Maisemores to tell them about it. They told me to return anything broken for a refund or...
  9. B


    I found some dead drone lavae on the landing board at the weekend and looked in "At the Hive Entrance" (Storch) to try to find out what the cause might be. He has the following observation: Most of the other possible causes he lists are disease or pest related (e.g. bald brood, wax moth lavae...
  10. B

    So you thought bees had trouble with colours!

    The BBC website has an article today with some interesting illusions: I particularly liked the Cube Illusion. There is a Horizon program "Seeing is Believing" on BBC2 tonight at 9pm.
  11. B

    Excel wiz needed

    I appreciate that you may want to continue down the lookup route, but just in case, I attach a version with the new "weekstart" date added (column C on the first page) and with the pivot table in the second sheet. You can see that once you've set the table up, it does all the work for you.
  12. B

    Excel wiz needed

    Another option would be to create a "weeknumber" column, using something like: =int((A2-date(2010,1,7))/7)*7+date(2010,1,7) This should provide you with a new column showing the week-beginning date for each data row. Now you could use the DAVERAGE function or a pivot table to extract and...
  13. B


    Certainly a possibility - making the cider with them in the press (without boiling) resulted in a gel in the brewing barrel that looked like brains. If the books are to be believed, this was a reaction of pectic acid and calcium in the juice. The pectic acid is apparently formed from the...
  14. B


    Have you tried crab-apple cider? One year, before we had the proper kit, we cut them and simmered them to get them soft (like for jelly) and then added sugar and water and made fermented the mixture. It certainly wasn't cider, but wasn't at all bad. It was very soporific - we slept one extra...
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    We make booseberry jam - use the sloes for gin and then make jam with them (and some blackberries).
  16. B

    Show us Pictures of your Bees

    I'm with PeterS - I think it might be ivy. Ours is just flowering and the bees are all over the pollen.
  17. B

    Show us Pictures of your Bees

    TK - I took these very early in the season with a newly installed nuc. I took them without a veil or gloves on. One was taken from outside the hive (obviously!) and the others were taken through a hole in the crown board. I used a macro lens, which has a very limited depth of field (hence my...
  18. B

    Show us Pictures of your Bees

    They look like they could eat my bees for breakfast!
  19. B

    Show us Pictures of your Bees

    I've looked through my pictures for one that clearly shows all three ocelli, and cannot find one - but here's a shot that shows the third one a bit more clearly.
  20. B

    Show us Pictures of your Bees

    Here's some blurry pictures of some of ours...