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  1. B

    Deformed Wings?

    Thanks for all the replies - looks like I need to get a bait hive organised!
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    Deformed Wings?

    I would normally only use it in winter, but with a new swarm and no brood it seemed like a relatively easy and quick way to knock back a severe infestation. I just wasn't sure if there was another reason not to use it on a newly hived swarm that I didn't know about.
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    Deformed Wings?

    Exactly my thinking. If I can treat early, at another site, then is there a reason I shouldn't use oxalic? I worry that they'd abscond, but it seems to me that thymol might make them just as unhappy as oxalic...
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    Deformed Wings?

    Is there a reason why I wouldn't use another treatment (like Oxalic)?
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    Deformed Wings?

    A neighbour has a colony in their roof. They are quite happy with it, but brought three bees round for me to look at. The photo isn't very good, but one of them has wings that look, to my untrained eye, to be deformed (rather than just worn). They said that there were "several bees just...
  6. B

    Escape To Victory.

    DM - I'm guessing that you must have been to Muckleburgh, given your location. I went there a few years ago with my children, not realising there was a re-enactment day on. It was completely bonkers. There were tanks driving around everywhere and troops dug in round every corner and behind...
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    Prospective beekeeper - needs kick up backside!

    I have asked two farmers in the last year, both of whom said they'd be delighted to accommodate hives, and I've had someone approach me to ask if we'll put a hive in their field - I have been pleasantly surprised at how willing people are to help. Another forum member has suggested freecycle as...
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    DIY Extractor

    I made one last year using a plastic bin, various bits of angle aluminium, a steel rod and an electric drill. It wasn't suitable to process honey for sale, but I only used it for home consumption. It was fun to use, but given the cost of the bits, time taken to make it and its effectiveness, I...
  9. B

    bees not reading the manual again!

    We had exactly the same problem last year, but the gap was caused by my having put one side of the pull out mesh floor in the wrong slot in the stand. I suspect I am the only person dim enough to have done this but just in case I'm not, it might be worth checking that you've got both sides of...
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    Baker's Fondant

    Thanks for that - they seem happy to deliver to me, in relatively small lots (12.5kg for about £11) - but I wanted to make sure that I got the correct stuff, and didn't know how to properly describe it to ask the question!
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    Baker's Fondant

    Bako appear to sell several different varieties of fondant. Most are clearly more appropriate to baking than beeking, but I am left wondering whether "Fondant 183" or "Ready-use Fondant 163" is the one to order. Any advice gratefully received.
  12. B

    Rumours about poly hives ...

    bin-surfing for money-back bottles was my main source of income as a child (along with cycling to the shops to get **** for my father, of course)
  13. B

    Favourite beekeeping memory???

    Sitting in the kitchen, making up supers in front of the aga with a 3 year old, two puppies, a pint of homemade cider and Glen Campbell for company. (OK, that was just now, but a happy time nevertheless)
  14. B

    Ink stamp

    Yes - that looks the same as the one I found. Judging by your photo, it looks like it works pretty well though. Thanks
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    Ink stamp

    I looked at BBQ branding irons, but couldn't find one with numbers as well as letters (I wanted to include a post code). MM, does yours have numbers?
  16. B

    Hi Everyone - new to this and after a few pointers

    There is a useful list of acronyms here:
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    I'm making a hive and looking for a source for aluminium sheet and mesh floor

    I have used the Mesh Company (via their own website) and was very happy with both product and service.
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    1 luxury allowed in your bee box, what?

    Duck tape - it's the best multi-purpose tool I have in my bag.
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    USB microscope images wanted

    Jim, You might have been thinking of this thread: I bought the maplin version. It seems fine for "non-professional" use. My children love it. Stephen
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    Colony Population Model

    I have now had a chance to play with this model a bit. It models the colony daily, given a certain starting point, assumptions about mites and weather data. It produces a numerical output showing the drone and worker populations split into: - eggs - lavae - brood - adult It also shows the...