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  1. A

    Is hawthorn a good source of pollen and nectar?

    I think my bees are working it, they put about 10lbs of weight on the supers since yesterday and I can't see what else they may be working. Not actually seen any on a hawthorn bush yet though:rolleyes:
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    Bee Stings ??

    You can never trust the little sods 100%. One of my queens failed last year and the colony turned from gentle to totally evil in a week:eek:
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    Gloves or no gloves?

    I swell far too much when stung so don't take any chances. Big thick latex gloves for me every time I touch the hive. Not accidentally squashed a bee yet but still get stung on the fingers from time to time although the sting doesn't penetrate:sifone: Copped a few stings above the top of the...
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    Planting top 20 for new beekeepers

    :rolleyes::rofl: Willow, Dandelion, Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Bramble, White Clover, Himalayan Balsam, Lime trees are all good pollen/nectar sources for my bees. Add to this plum, apple, cotoneaster, Poached Egg plant and a few other garden plants and that's just about everything I have seen mine...
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    Bee Stings ??

    You can expect the sting site to swell and itch like crazy for a few days;) Severe alergic reactions usually occur following the second dose of an allergen. The immune system remembers it was bad first time round and goes into overdrive on subsiquent exposure. This is rare but still possible so...
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    AS for varroa control

    Great advice. Thank younot worthy Something I may have read wrong on the leaflet (may have been elsewhere:rolleyes:) was to move the queen without a frame of brood and to 'trap' her in the BB by placing a QE beneath the box. Is this a good idea?
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    AS for varroa control

    Staggeringly high unfortunately. Through the active season so far the daily drop has been in excess of 15. Following Hiveclean, the drop rate rises to the hundreds and when the weather turned for the worst my bees stopped laying for a few weeks. I treated them during this period and had drops...
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    AS for varroa control

    Despite autumn and winter treatment (thymol and oxalic) and application of Hiveclean for several weeks, my hive still has a high mite count and quite alot of DWV. With this in mind I've decided I'll do an AS to try to sort things out before the summer 've read through the DEFRA varroa leaflet...
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    Syrup in supers

    With the crappy weather and the June gap to follow, couldn't you just leave the bees eat what they've stored?
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    What are your bees foraging on this week?

    During the rare dry spells mine are bringing in mainly dandelion and some pale yellow pollen. A few weeks back I had to put on my 2nd super which will be coming off this week. They've been stuck in so long that almost all their stores are gone and they're now taking 1:1 syrup:rolleyes: No early...
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Today I stood watching the empty front of my hive, wishing it wasn't 5 degrees and lashing it down with rain:rolleyes: If we all face North and blow as hard as we can, do you think we'll be able to move that bloody air stream thinggy that's causing this pants weather:blush5:
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    Snakes in the Apiary

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: Beautiful snakes and I'm SOOOOOO jealous. I've been looking for wild snakes for years but only ever seen a few slow worms:rolleyes: Before anyone has a pop I don't intend catching, touching or interfering with them in any way. I just love snakes;)
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    sugar @tescos

    I went through school learning metric but with a dad whos adamant he'll never change. Man am I confused still:rolleyes:
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    worried after inspection :(

    Would re-queening be a good option aswell? I'm figuring she's not in too good shape considering the lack of brood
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    worried after inspection :(

    By the sounds of your hives condition I wouldn't have thought they are bringing any surplus in atm and will definately eat whatever they have stored as their condition improves. I don't think OA will leave a taint like thymol; it is a poison but is naturaly present in honey in low levels
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    a funny be important message on utube i just had to share

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    worried after inspection :(

    One of my hives has a really bad varroa infestation (despite thymol in autumn and oxalic in winter which both produced good varoa drop). I'm now using hiveclean which IMO is quite effective although it obviously doesn't affect sealed brood. Daily drop without treatment is about 20, following...
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    Should I feed colony which already has 4 frames of stores?

    I'm figuring you are refering to taking off fully sealed stores ;) I think alot of feeding questions are being asked by beeks just entering their second season. I'm only in my second myself but already much more relaxed where the bees are concerned. It's easy to over-complicate things but no...
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    Bad weather and queen cells

    For once the Welsh weather is better than the rest of the UK:rolleyes: I think I'm living in a bit of a micro climate, I drove about 15 miles from home earlier and it was raining, hail, the works. When I got home it's bright sunshine and just mildly damp:seeya:
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    Cheap, homemade foundation?

    Savedto my watch list;)