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    Pollen from old frames

    One of my hives went mad on the pollen collecting earlier this year and I've got 3 frames totally full in the brood box plus there's alot in the first super. I'll probably split them to my other hives but would be good to know how best to store them if needed;) If need be I could probably fit...
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    Newbie - havent looked in on them in 2weeks

    Sounds like they are doing realy well:D Maybe need a second super though;)
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    Adding supers and crown boards

    1:1 is closer to the concentration of nectar so will be used more readily by the bees and less likely to store it;)
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    Pollen from old frames

    Plenty of room in my freezer. I got a bit carried away when I bought it and now I can fit 2 pigs in there with loads of room to spare:rolleyes: Is it ok just to keep the frames dry then?
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    Adding supers and crown boards

    Some do this, others overwinter on one box having fed syrup in the autumn;)
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    my queen has hatched ......

    Ha, this is like a Welsh only thread atm:rolleyes: Fingers crossed for the weather, it's been pretty good here (compared to other parts of the country) so hopefully she'll get out to do the business:D
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    Pollen from old frames

    Could you cut out the dead brood as Finman suggests then freeze the frames (assuming not mouldy) to feed back to the bees if needed? Never done this myself so would like opinions on this since I've got a load of pollen in one of my hives, 3 frames packed full after removing one to give to a nuc.
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    Adding supers and crown boards

    Sounds like they are desperate for another super there;) Are the cells in the BB full of syrup? It may be that the brood frames are getting blocked with nectar and this will lead to swarming if you're not careful. As a note, bees will spread nectar out over a wide area to assist in evaporation...
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    Adding supers and crown boards

    :iagree: I add extra supers in both ways although I do prefer putting the empty underneath so I can see when the first is ready to extract. I've only got a cheap plastic extractor and it's bl**dy hard work extracting more than a few supers at a time:rolleyes: Not noticed a difference to the...
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    Newbie - havent looked in on them in 2weeks

    Great news:coolgleamA: To make wax they need heat, nectar, bees and the need for more space. Each of these points sort of regulates the others to an extent but as the new bees emerge a colony expands faster and faster every day until it reaches full size. Now, I'm far from an expert but, to my...
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    where to buy mated queens?

    I was in the process of doing a demaree on the full hive. It may yet be q+ i'll hopefully find out tomorrow. The nuc has a good amount of sealed brood but cant see any eggs. Again she may be there but she was the result of an emergency cell in a nuc box so not the best and could do with...
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    where to buy mated queens?

    My run of appaling luck seems set to continue:( I checked my hives this weekend to find one of the pigs has decided to use them as a scratching post (escaped from his pen) and knocked a full colony and a nuc over. The other nuc has a drone laying queen:) So, I now find myself looking for at...
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    Disaster - again

    Took a look in the virgin hives this weekend and all 3 are laying :party: The one with the bonk wing isn't laying too well though so may need replacing. I'll give them all a few weeks to make sure they are fertlie but things seem to be improving for me at last:sifone: Now where's the...
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    Balsam starting to flower

    All the balsom I saw on my travels yesterday was nowhere near flowering, only about 1/2 grown so far:rolleyes: Bramble has just started to flower around my apiary so hopefully a chance of a crop yet. Rain forecast for the entire week though:eek:
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    Is the UK Military Building Up For Another Conflict?

    Had to google that sorry; YTS - Young Thick and Stupid:rolleyes: Sounds like a good read and yes, seems like a plausible outcome of all the worlds current troubles. War, unfortunately, is good for an economy in the long run. Creates jobs for weapons building, fighting and rebuilding. You can...
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    Is the UK Military Building Up For Another Conflict?

    Governments are poking Syria with a sharp stick atm while they've got Russia and China backing them:sport-smiley-002: Can't be good IMO:eek:
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    Icing sugar as a varoaa control?

    I dusted with icing sugar earlier on this year. It did knock a gew off but not many. The bees were busy collecting it from the varroa floor the next morning so presumably picked a few back up. Stick with something that will actively kill the mite imo ;)
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    The one I know does both. Imports early in the season and breeds his own later on;)
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    Still suffering sadly. Not quite so bad this year but the weather's been aweful:rolleyes:
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    IDIOTS' CORNER - Newbee, out and proud!

    :iagree: Put the undrawn frame between the outer brood frame and the store frame. I have read on here about putting an undrawn frame in the middle of the brood area but this can cause problems of its own so i wouldn't advise it