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  1. N

    Top Bar Hive - Question

    From what I have read from different guides.
  2. N

    Top Bar Hive - Question

    Possibly the fact that it's more natural for the bees, the lack of intervention on the bees themselves as I am not sure if I will be harvesting the honey, unless it is to reduce the chance of swarming. The lack of lifting required and I guess the aesthetics.
  3. N

    Top Bar Hive - Question

    Thank you for the information. My top bars are currently 38mm width, will be making some thinner ones at 32mm for the 8 closest the entrance. The wall thickness all around the hive are 24mm. Will make sure there are no gaps for the topbars, I am still building the roof and will make sure...
  4. N

    Top Bar Hive - Question

    Hi all, Just a quick one about Tbh setup. What is the adequate distance to leave between the top bar placement. Does it matter if a bee can pass through into the roof cavity, should they not be able to get into the roof cavity. Many thanks.
  5. N

    Top Bar Hive - Entrance hole size?

    Many thanks for the info, I will get them cut out tomorrow.
  6. N

    Top Bar Hive - Entrance hole size?

    Hi all, Recently started making a top bar hive, I have a question regarding size of the entrance holes. The guide I am using says 3 x 1 inch/25mm diameter holes. 2 inches from the bottom with 3 inches in-between. Can anyone confirm this is the adequate diameter required for UK bees, or...