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  1. R

    Mixing oxalic & syrup

    Read the paper and your questions might be answered. the hives in all apiaries were checked for development in spring and in one apiary the number of checks needed to do this was three.
  2. R

    Mixing oxalic & syrup

    Oh no not my opinion, it is in the Report. The table 'Average effectiveness of the trickle treatment with oxalic acid (g oxalic acid dihydrate per 1 litre of sugar water (1:1 or 1:2 by weight) 1999/2000' Includes the results of significance tests (p<0.05) Using a multiple t test ( Tukey) after...
  3. R

    Mixing oxalic & syrup

    The tests results ( Table 1) show that there was no significant difference in using 37g oxalicacid dihydrate or 47g oxalic acid dihydrate and that equally there were no significant difference between 30g and 47g of oxaliacid dihydrate.
  4. R

    Mixing oxalic & syrup

    Will you read the paper??? They are recommending a weaker solution because it is just as efficient at killing mites and has less potential to damage bees.
  5. R

    Mixing oxalic & syrup

    Read the paper quoted by Heather at and decide for your self, there are a number of research papers citing different strength which were derived empirically (trial). This paper has at least researched the effect of different strengths. The...
  6. R

    Mixing oxalic & syrup

    Yes weight/ weight but concentrations can also be stated weight volume. In any case the Mixture quoted by Heather ( following the citation is stronger than the one she uses) using weight weight the concentration recommended in the Charriere, Imdorf paper is as I have stated 35g oxalic acid...
  7. R

    Mixing oxalic & syrup

    Heather, if you actually read the paper you for which you gave the URL above you would find that they tested several concentrations of Oxalic acid. And recommended a solution of 35 gms Oxalic acid dihydrate to 1 litre of sugar syrup (1 water to 1 sugar). This is chosen as being strong enough to...
  8. R

    USB Digital Microscope £29.99 Lidl onsale from 5th Dec

    Well I do not know about that! Years ago I dissected out some trachea for interest. Some were very obviously infested with the characteristic dark blotches etc, but I also want some tracheae which were clear. At least one of those, which from X10 examination on the bees I would have sworn was...
  9. R

    USB Digital Microscope £29.99 Lidl onsale from 5th Dec

    They do not. A lot of their higher magnifications are got by digital zooming. Ruary
  10. R

    USB Digital Microscope £29.99 Lidl onsale from 5th Dec

    Well the link didn't work but I know Dave's site: He discusses several techniques so: 1) are you removing the head and front legs and then the thoracic colloar? or 2) are you removing a slice and macerating it before examining it. The first is the traditional method of detection and need a...
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    USB Digital Microscope £29.99 Lidl onsale from 5th Dec

    Looking at the instrument, I doubt if there is enough working distance to allow for the dissection for acarine under the microscope! With regard to nosema if the infesation is light, the field of viw is very samll and you could easily miss the spores. Ruary
  12. R


    To be accurate: Ireland is using the Italian licence to allow importation and distribution. This is available under the cascade methodology of the Animal Medicines act, (and I think is how the use of Oxytetracycline is obtained by the UK bee inspectorate for EFB). Apibioxal has not been...
  13. R

    Has anyone got Dec. Bee Craft yet?

    got mine in Ireland today's post Ruary
  14. R

    Irish Beekeepers

    Well I don't know what all this fuss is about: I over winter on OMF with no insulation on the crown board! Ruary
  15. R

    Micrographs of nosema spores apis or ceranae?

    Third photo, the bright grains near the centre have pointed ends: saw similar in the other pictures as well. These to my mind are Nosema ceranea. However others are clearly built like Nosema apis. Could it be a combined infestation? Ruary
  16. R

    Possible Nosema

    Take a suspect bee and grasping the tip of the abdomen pull it away from the thorax. This should separate exposing the digestive tract. If this is swolen and white Nosema is positive. The usual colour is reddish. A microscope is the best as the above is only a field check and is NOT accurate. Ruary
  17. R


    Different use Sugar for energy (carbohydrates) pollen for development (protein). Ruary
  18. R


    good for pollen (orange brown colour) but I think the quality might be low. Ruary
  19. R

    Oxalic Acid

    I agree, better to get the virus load down before the bee go into winter mode. Ruary
  20. R

    thymol treatment

    can you post a link to the company's web page?