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  1. R

    Anybody got images of American and European Foulbrrod on slides

    Go to http://http://www.*************/gallery/view_images.php?tag=21 where you'll get my photos of AFB. But the trouble with showing microphotos onto a screen is that the bacteria are then look much much larger than they do through the microscope. The censor will not let me direct you to the...
  2. R


    Baggyone was implying that the Lidl microscope would be suitable for pollen analysis (I doubt that the resolution at X400 would be satisfactory) AND ALSO FOR DISSECTION which it obviously would not be. for reasons explained eloquently by DanBee. I was pointing out that this lack of knowlege...
  3. R


    I don't think you would get very far dissecting with that microscope as it is compound not stereo. I am afraid that your reply shows a basic lack of knowlege of microscopy.
  4. R

    O.K. So what did Santa bring you ?

    Marsons Practical Beekeeping, Myers Microscopy on a Shoestring, Yates's Microscopy notes, and the new one from BeeCraft all are good. Santa gave me another compound microscope, this one allows two people to look in simultaneously and has a lighter pointer to indicate things of interest.
  5. R

    Bee's from Ireland to England.

    I agree, Varroa was brought into Ireland by an irresponsible beekeeper who was emigrating from UK.
  6. R

    when did EFB become notifiable

    No, details on the figures might be able to get them for you in a fortnight. The old feral colony was in the tower. This year 2012 was the first year I missed in about 14 years. Used to demonstarte microscopy which is how I knew about disease status.
  7. R

    when did EFB become notifiable

    I am afraid that the feral colony died out some years before (probably as a result of varroa). The observation hive in the corridor did not have EFB it had a nice case of AFB that year!
  8. R

    when did EFB become notifiable

    Sorry for the typo. I did mean Gormanston ( it could not have been Greenmount as they dod not have demonstration hives) but my comments stand regarding the amount of colonies found with EFB.
  9. R

    when did EFB become notifiable

    The treatment for EFB in the Republic of Ireland is destruction by burning. Not all the colonies at Greenmount had EFB, but the majority of them did. The best protection is to know what healthy brood looks like, if your brood does not look like that then something is wrong, and should be checked...
  10. R


    I bought one to determine infection levels of nosema. Have now decided after more reading that it is not accurate for that purpose as on heavily infected bee can skew the result. read the articles on nosema in for more. No I don't want to get rid of it, I...
  11. R

    Why cat i take quiz again

    Register under a different nom de plume
  12. R

    Cleaning hives with household bleach

    Since when? bleach is a solution of hydrochlorous acid (HOCl). Mix it with washing soda and I think you might get Chlorine emission.
  13. R

    european satnav suggestions

    I paid for lifetime map updating on my Garmin, I get an update every 4 months. Due to memory limitations (it is an old satnav) the map I have in UK and Ireland in detail, which is all I want.
  14. R

    castors on extractor feet

    The use of castors allows the imbalance of the frames to even out. With its use it simply moves around in a small circle. If anchored down there is excessive vibration which needs strong force to contain it. with the castors the machine cane be restrained by holding it with one hand. It seems...
  15. R

    fogging varroa

    I was very taken by the idea of fogging when it was first developed by Dr. Pedro Rodrigues; however he found that to get any degree of efficiency he was having to add thymol in the form of impregnated strands of cotton and the frequency of fogging treatments had to be increased. The general...
  16. R

    Microscopy and Nosema

    Yes, after acetic acid fumigation. Ruary
  17. R

    Microscopy and Nosema

    :iagree: and don't forgrt to fumigate the removed combs with 80% acetic acid. Ruary
  18. R

    Microscopy and Nosema claims to be able to cure Nosema Th**nes have it on their catalogue
  19. R


    Well, I don't insulate nor do I close the entrance, I have an open mesh floor which is left open and the entrance to that is such that it works as a mouse excluder.
  20. R

    What's this?

    Middle and right chalk brood.