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  1. R

    thymol treatment

    How are these strips made? Ruary
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    thymol treatment

    Was all the gel removed in the four weeks? If not your treatment is too short, in general, chemicals which do not kill the mite in brood cells (and as Finman says this includes thymol) should remain in the hive for two full cycles in order to attempt to get the emerging mites. Ryary
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    Varoa Mite Drop

    I can re assure you that I am not a government Official.
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    Varoa Mite Drop

    Yes, I agree. The Federation has been trying for some time to have the authorities agree to the use of oxalic acid but were told that the full consideration of the Irish Animal Medications authority would be required before it could be licenced in Ireland. At that time no oxalic acid treatment...
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    Varoa Mite Drop

    It is an Italian mixture. We have to comply with the Iralian instructions under the animal medications directive as it is being authorised in Irelans unedre the reciprocal authorisation protocol. I am not supporting the strength just reporting what the mixture is. To quote from the leaflet 35g...
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    Varoa Mite Drop

    To be precise one named 'medicine' has only just been approved for use in Ireland. The label instructions give a dose of 61.6g of oxalic acid per litre of syrup (1 sugar to 1 water w/w). Ruary
  7. R

    Bored so i dissected a couple of bees that had just returned from foraging.

    I find it very hard to source chloroform, and storage is difficult as it degrades to a poisonous gas. It must be kept in brown coloured glass bottles, and with minimum air space. Ruary
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    Bored so i dissected a couple of bees that had just returned from foraging.

    Nail varnish remover (acetone free type) has ethyl acetate which is the fluid entomological suppliers sell as insect killing fluid. Ruary
  9. R

    is bbka membership worth £25

    As a member of the FIBKA Education board and responsible for the microscopy exam I can confirm that the microscopy exam syllabus had been changed within that time frame. I know that the syllabus has been chaged elsewhere for example to include Varroa . Ruary
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    Extractor Investment

    What you need to do is attach castors to the legs, The extracor then just does a little rotation and can be controlled, if necessary, just by holding with one hand. It is hard to beleive but this does work. Ruary
  11. R

    Varroa drop - some advice pls

    The first point I would make is that when you treated with Apiguard you had far far too much space over the trays. Apiguard works by two methods: 1 the bees remove the gel and it gets transferred through the hive in that manner, secondly it vaporises and that also works in diffusing through the...
  12. R

    Chalk brood?

    Yes looks like chalkbrodd to me as well. Ruary
  13. R

    Brown stuff on back of hive

    I would check the deposits for nosema spores, no need to disturb the colony to do that juat take some scrapings and dilute with water. Ruary
  14. R

    Can You See If I Have Nosema?

    The pointer is used as an indicator, if you want to show someone a particular feature you move the slide so that the pointer indicates that feature and then you know that the other person is looking at the part of the slide you want him to look at. It would help if we had some idea of...
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    Microsope images of a mite

    It is certainly NOT varroa nor is it Braula as it has 8 legs and braula is an insect (six legs). It is also not an acraine mite. The hive floor has many mites and this is probably one of the scavenging mites. Ruary
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    Container for extracting honey

    Why screw the extractor to the floor, if you stand it on castors it is much more steady and doesn not move around so much. Ruary
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    Varroa count during Apiguard treatment - any significance?

    I am sorry but I must disagree. The FERA document is very good but for a particular treatment the authoritive document is the leaflet (label) provided by the manufacturer. Under law you MUST follow the instructions ON THE LABEL, not any instructions you might have picked up from somewhere (and...
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    Happyguard 2nd treat

    READ THE INSTRUCTIONS second tray in after two weeks and leave for FOUR weeks or until product is used up by the bees.
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    this microscope?

    Take care about the damaged parts, I not sure what 'oblique control' is but it looked as if the fine focus was non operative. Ruary
  20. R

    this microscope?

    The Devonshire beekeepers survey were finding about 40% nosema infections (from memory), Your microscope will do nosema but not bacterial diseases. The trouble is having started with it you will thn want to upgrade so better do the upgrading first. Ruary