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  1. gwt_uk

    Too early for swarm traps?

    don’t think there is a swarm imminent at the hive yet. They have been behaving like this for many weeks. Will leave them to it and see what happens!
  2. gwt_uk

    Too early for swarm traps?

    My the bees at my bait hive are behaving in exactly the same way. I opened the hive up the other evening when there were still quite a few inside and they were nibbling on a bit of old brace comb
  3. gwt_uk

    Too early for swarm traps?

    see attached pic that’s what they are up to this afternoon. Quite a few hanging around the entrance
  4. gwt_uk

    Too early for swarm traps?

    Hopefully this run of better weather will bring them back.
  5. gwt_uk

    Too early for swarm traps?

    Think I put it out mid/late April.
  6. gwt_uk

    Too early for swarm traps?

    Still plenty of scouts around my bait hive. There have been for weeks! I haven’t refreshed the lure and am pretty sure they aren’t robbing. I am beginning to think they just like hanging out there!!
  7. gwt_uk

    Too early for swarm traps?

    they may be checking out other places but better weather coming! Keep your eyes peeled. I have had scouts checking out my bait hive for weeks and nothing yet. There were bees at mine this morning at 7am.
  8. gwt_uk

    Too early for swarm traps?

  9. gwt_uk

    Scout bees? Or am i getting excited over nothing?

    Fingers crossed for you!
  10. gwt_uk

    New Apiaries - How Many Hives?

    thanks one of the sites has 12 acres of wildflowers next door so might be best to start there.
  11. gwt_uk

    New Apiaries - How Many Hives?

    Hello all, I have 2 new Apiary sites this year. I was intending on placing 2 new hives at each location. However the local association may only be able to provide me with 2 Nucs. I am keen to utilise both sites to see which one works out best. Should I put one at each site or would it be more...
  12. gwt_uk

    What are these Bees Up to?

    thanks - we have a couple more days of rain forecast then some warm dry weather on the way (hopefully!) so that may work in my favour!
  13. gwt_uk

    What are these Bees Up to?

    I didn’t see any honey, there was the odd cell of old pollen but they haven’t been touched
  14. gwt_uk

    What are these Bees Up to?

    Yes I have been using an attractant oil. The instructions said to put a couple of drops on top of the frames then out the vial in a envelope at the back of the hive.
  15. gwt_uk

    What are these Bees Up to?

    have attached a couple of pics...Is this the sign of them recycling the wax?
  16. gwt_uk

    What are these Bees Up to?

    thanks - I have just popped out to the garden and had a quick look. There are sections of drawn comb that look like they have been eaten back down to the level of the foundation so I am assuming that’s what they are up to. Here was me getting all excited about a swarm coming!!! I may remove one...
  17. gwt_uk

    What are these Bees Up to?

    would there be any visible signs of this from bees exiting the hive?
  18. gwt_uk

    What are these Bees Up to?

    thanks! Will keep you posted!
  19. gwt_uk

    What are these Bees Up to?

    Thanks will do
  20. gwt_uk

    What are these Bees Up to?

    Thanks - they have been doing this for the past week on the sunnier/warmer days. 1 or 2 bees arrive in the morning then the numbers build as the day goes on.