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  1. gwt_uk

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Found a charged QC in a very populous colony. Made up a Nuc with the existing queen and removed to another apiary. Added supers to 4 colonies All right next to fields of OSR.
  2. gwt_uk

    Moving Hives 0.5 Miles

    Hello - quick question. I am planning to bring the colonies to my garden that is almost 3 miles from their current site. How long should I keep them in the garden before moving to the new site?
  3. gwt_uk

    Moving Hives 0.5 Miles

    Two of the colonies are in Poly nucs so it would be too hot to close them up. I am thinking to bring them back to my garden which is just under 3 miles from the new site. The bees should survive but I may not when my wife finds out my plan.
  4. gwt_uk

    Moving Hives 0.5 Miles

    Yes that could be an option. I have access to another site just under 3 miles away.
  5. gwt_uk

    Moving Hives 0.5 Miles

    Thank you. Looks like I will have to move them 3+ miles away first.
  6. gwt_uk

    Moving Hives 0.5 Miles

    Hello all, I have to move 3 of my colonies quite soon. Got a couple of complaints from a homeowner about bees in her garden/house and a horse owner who wasn’t happy that the bees were collecting water from her buckets. I have another possible site lined up but it looks about less than 0.5...
  7. gwt_uk

    Tiny Colony From Split

    Yes very lucky. Will keep a good eye on her!
  8. gwt_uk

    Tiny Colony From Split

    Update on this. I hadn’t had time to go back and follow your instructions. I inspected today and fully expected to find an empty Nuc box. Instead I found that the population had increased significantly (due to emerging brood) and the queen I released was alive and laying well. I have been very...
  9. gwt_uk

    Tiny Colony From Split

    Sorry meant to add. Yes this is from the double brood I split. On advice was keeping the original queen in original location.
  10. gwt_uk

    Tiny Colony From Split

    Yes some bees, capped brood only on 5 frames. No eggs larvae etc. I released the queen.
  11. gwt_uk

    Tiny Colony From Split

    Well my split yesterday didn’t go as planned (double brood split) Returned today and there are only a few handfuls of bees in the hive. Removed them form the BB and put them in a Nuc box with the new purchased queen. I will go back later tonight and give them a feeder. Any other advice?
  12. gwt_uk

    Leave Queen in Original Location?

    Went ahead with the split today. The queen was in the bottom box so left her where she was. There were no eggs in the top box only sealed brood as expected. However there was what looked like a large queen cell in the top box. It was capped but with a large chunk eaten out of the side of it. It...
  13. gwt_uk

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Split a double brood that had a QE inserted between the boxes a week ago. Added a purchased, mated queen to the split. Have kept it in the same apiary. Fingers crossed it takes!
  14. gwt_uk

    Any scouts at your swarm trap?

    Nothing at my bait hive yet.
  15. gwt_uk

    Leave Queen in Original Location?

    Also meant to ask. There are two supers on the colony at the moment. Should these remain with the original hive or should I give one to the split as well?
  16. gwt_uk

    Leave Queen in Original Location?

    Thanks for all the replies. Yes I am planning on leaving the existing queen in the original location. She seems to be very prolific so I will have to make sure she has enough space after the split as well!
  17. gwt_uk

    Leave Queen in Original Location?

    Hello all. I am intending to split this colony at the weekend. Have ordered a queen for the Q- colony she should arrive Friday. Should I just introduce the queen in the normal way? I.e. leave in the queen cage for 24 hours then pull the tab.
  18. gwt_uk

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Inspected 3 colonies. The Nuc that was struggling is now doing a lot better. A lot of nectar coming in. Buckfast colony very low on stores so have them a couple frames of honey. Put a QE into another colony with double brood with the the intention of splitting in a week. Had to do it this...
  19. gwt_uk

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Yes same up so the us in the Lothians. Some fields in full flower. Others just coming out. nwith
  20. gwt_uk

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Went for a walk with the dog and wandered by the colonies. 7 degrees, cold wind and showers. Surprising amount of activity, even from the little Nuc!