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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Just Steve

    Bee sheds or Similar

    I used the same in my workshop with a breathable membrane and insulation between it and the outside wall. It all helps with temperature control. Mine is from Universal plastics (UPL) though I don't know if they are nationwide.
  2. Just Steve

    Use of egg incubator for QC's

    I heard so many reports of the cheapie Chinese ones catching fire with potentially catastrophic results that personally I avoid them and use branded ones. I used Brinsea for years as a bird breeder. I now also use this one purchased used for 30 quid and I would definitely recommend. I also use...
  3. Just Steve


    The way they treat sellers is appalling. I regularly paid £4,000 plus annually in fees but one dishonest buyer could send bad feedback and I was banned for a time. When it your income that is at stake all you can do is roll over and accept it. I used to offer free shipping before it was...
  4. Just Steve

    Hagens Bees

    I think that the outlet involved is looked at quite unfavourably by many here, often with good, valid reasons. It annoys people that have no intention of buying from them as well as the GDPR issue.
  5. Just Steve

    Looking into joining the world of beekeeping

    I wouldn't bother with second hand hives in most circumstances without advice from someone experienced. You can buy new for the same cost of most second hand ones offered . Pick your times carefully and make use of the sales. Seconds from the major suppliers are excellent value and are usually...
  6. Just Steve


    I stopped selling on there because it was so easy for dishonest toe-rags to rip you off and ebay is worse than useless in supporting the people who pay the fees for the their platform to exist.
  7. Just Steve

    VIDEO Unique Insect: The Maltese Honey Bee

    It's a bit unfair to tar these people with the same brush as people who catch birds for no other reason than the place they live. There's plenty of unsavoury things that are allowed in this or any other country for that matter. It doesn't mean that all beekeepers are guilty.
  8. Just Steve

    Getting old

    I have started experimenting with 2 5 frame nucs side by side as a super. By making your nucs half brood box sized they become a multi use box. The bees still work it as if it is a brood used as a super and it almost halves the lifting weight.
  9. Just Steve

    Swarm removal from inside a flat roof

    Using a vacuum especially a normal domestic one that cannot have the suction greatly reduced will not only collect the bees and possibly kill them, it will pull also nectar and anything else not securely attached into the nozzle to add to the mix. The resulting sticky mess will almost certainly...
  10. Just Steve

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    That's a great start for you. 2 colonies without buying them. Gives you more money to spend on your equipment.
  11. Just Steve

    Biggest bee mystery?

    When a colony swarms why does it bivouac up prior to moving on to their new home? The scouts have already selected several sites. Why not go straight to the one they prefere? By bivouacing they put themselves in danger of exposure due to weather conditions or open to predators eating them.
  12. Just Steve

    Aaargh! I’m egg blind!

    If you can see 1/2 day old 'wigglies' you had eggs 1/2 days ago so don't stress while you try to find the knack of egg spotting. You'll get there. Can anyone local give you a hand? Seeing eggs as pointed out by another beek will help you to get your eye in. It can just be a matter of how you...
  13. Just Steve

    Hi from a complete novice

    Hi, have you joined your local beekeeping association? I'm not sure if they are very active or not but by joining you can introduce yourself and perhaps find a mentor to help until the course starts. They will almost certainly have an aprairy which needs managing and voluntary help as and when...
  14. Just Steve

    Swapping out frames quickly…

    I'd think that there might have been a few more of us ready to advise him until it became clear that he is quick with the insults, not just a couple of experienced guys who in fairness continued to try to help even after the response became insulting. If he finds on his return from "holiday"...
  15. Just Steve

    Bee vac

    That would be the one I have. No way would I return to the ones I have made as its light weight, compact, efficient and powered by battery. I have made an adaptor to use either the 2 dewalt batteries that I had with it or the cheaper aldi ferrex batteries though to be honest I have not needed...
  16. Just Steve

    Bee vac

    We both know that it's the way of things hahaha. The pipe on mine is actually from a Henry so it's got the bleed off but in practice I have found that it's still a bit too powerful for the bees. Mine has a speed control for the motor and is so much easier to maintain the right suction. Give it...
  17. Just Steve

    Carniolan or Buckfast or Italian ligustica or queens?

    This year I have 2 colonies of Ligustica as an experiment just to provide brood/bees for populating nucs/splits. They do indeed expand their colonies at a rate of knots. On the flip side as Garry said they don't seem to collect much in the way of stores and will not get through the year without...
  18. Just Steve

    Bee vac

    I never had any problems with varoa mesh. The main thing is being able to alter the amount of suction to 'just enough '. If the mesh is too small you run the risk of having it partially blocked and adjusting the suction which plays havoc with the balance between not enough, just enough and too...
  19. Just Steve

    Bee vac

    I used a piece of varoa mesh which was fine. I never thought that it was restrictive to the flow of air.