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  1. Sam G

    Best price for 340g glass jars & lids?

    I cant find anywhere cheaper than C Wynne Jones in North Wales near Ruthin. I'm an hour away from them in Cheshire. Collected (they do also deliver), 12oz hex jars are about 35p!! 1lb round jars around 30p or a little cheaper for 144+ jars
  2. Sam G


    Hi :) it's good you're thinking of these things but you cannot buy epipens, they need to be prescribed (I have them due to severe anaphylaxic reactions). They are prescribed in twos as 1 often isn't enough for a serious reaction. As Erichalfbee said, they also have a short shelf life and need to...
  3. Sam G

    honey price update

    We're in Warrington. I don't sell at markets though, we sell everything from our doorstep so to speak. We post on social media when we have honey available and often have a waiting list.
  4. Sam G

    honey price update

    Yes, there's a greater demand than there is supply where we are and we sell out of everything within 24 hours no matter how much we have! We sell ours at £6 8oz and £10 1lb as well.
  5. Sam G

    honey price update

    Just the jars and labels alone cost a chunk (more so this year !!) Which needs to be considered in the final price. A lot of potential customers dont think of this.
  6. Sam G

    Custom Jar Labels

    I used Avery's website to design our labels which is free of charge and you can also get them to print them for you too if you don't have the right printer. We use clear labels which look lovely on honey jars :)
  7. Sam G

    Equipment For Sale Clear Polycarbonate Crownboards

    We have langstroths which are slightly over 500mm (50.7cm x 41.8cm I think 🤔) I'm assuming the difference could be made up with a frame? In my head I'm an Incredibly handy person so that seems logical, but in my head I can also do gymnastic routines ..... If that was possible though, and you...
  8. Sam G

    Paper re allergy and immunotherapy

    Since being diagnosed after my initial anaphylaxic reaction, i havent been stung again as I have taken as many precautions as possible to avoid it happening. I handed all beekeeping duties over to my husband and now just assist from a short distance away if necessary. I help verbally as much as...
  9. Sam G

    Paper re allergy and immunotherapy

    I think you are prescribed 2 injectors as standard, I am at least :) Joseph- i'm sorry this has happened to you, as someone who also had my first (extremely) severe reaction after beekeeping for a while, having had plenty of prior stings without a reaction, please, please, please don't...
  10. Sam G

    Elderflower cordial "honey"

    Unfortunately we don't have enough space to store bottles of mead for that long (we'd never find it again 😅) but I would definitely have a go at a winter remedy!
  11. Sam G

    Elderflower cordial "honey"

    :D How yummy does (all of) that sound 😋 and now I reeeeally want a crumpet... We have a huge elderflower and when we first started keeping bees I wondered why they never foraged on it when it flowered. After a bit of research I discovered bees aren't really into elderflower and generally dont...
  12. Sam G

    Paper re allergy and immunotherapy

    Hi Antipodes, No, I don't think they were suggesting that this is the case for everyone. More that, with enough exposure, some people will, some won't. But the exposure limit for the ones who do, can vary to the point of unpredictability. You can find varying figures, but a common statement is...
  13. Sam G

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    After no eggs from a new Queen one of the hives had raised themselves after swarming 5 or 6 weeks ago, we went in today with the intention of maybe replacing her. It's been about 9 or 10 days since we last checked and i was desperate to give her one last chance. To my utter delight, we...
  14. Sam G

    A swarm has been sitting high in a tree above my apiary for 8 days now, despite good weather. Have they decided to stay?

    We had a large caste swarm from our hive at the top of a 35 to 40ft tree behind the house this year. They stayed for 8 days then finally left. They dropped and reclustered twice during that time (that I witnessed anyway). I was glad to see them finally go, we couldn't possibly reach them and...
  15. Sam G

    Paper re allergy and immunotherapy

    As a beekeeper with severe and sudden anaphylaxis (I'm unconscious and breathing like a blocked drain within 90 seconds of a sting) over the last few months I've seen many contradicting research papers and have heard many immunology specialists give completely different opinions about the...
  16. Sam G

    "Swarmy" season - are we in for a second round?

    Thanks :) hopefully i got them all on that last inspection, I feel paranoid about it! I don't want to keep going in and disturbing them :(
  17. Sam G

    "Swarmy" season - are we in for a second round?

    We tried something kiiiind of like this the first time and I just couldn't see enough, and I think he needs a bit more confidence in shaking bees from frames so the frames were never really clear during that first post swarm inspection unfortunately
  18. Sam G

    "Swarmy" season - are we in for a second round?

    We definitely got caught out with hidden cells, largely because it's my husband doing the work while I'm trying to help at arms length with me waiting for the immunotherapy treatment. I finally insisted on taking a closer look myself this week and found at least another 8 queen cells, 3 of...
  19. Sam G

    "Swarmy" season - are we in for a second round?

    We've also had to buy more last minute frames, nucs etc due to multiple swarms this year, despite early splits! One hive swarmed 2nd week of April and has had 4 cast swarms since, despite us trying to remove excess queen cells throughout this period. Luckily we caught the prime and 2 of the...
  20. Sam G

    Intensity of bee venom

    That's good to hear you were given desensitisation treatment. How have you been since the main treatment completion? Or have you escaped being stung? I have the sentinel pro gloves by Old Castle Farm Hives but still double up with disposables as I've not started my treatment yet.