You’re right, words don’t fail me - but the words I do want to use ain’t polite. Btw, It isn’t your honey it’s theirs. The only little fekker stealing Honey here is you, and all of us who take Honey. They don’t give it away. And don’t give me that crap about calm waters - no water ever suffered...
The following are technically fruits: avocado, melons, aubergine, beans, peapods, corn kernels, cucumbers, grains, nuts, olives peppers, pumpkin, squash, sunflower seeds and tomatoes. So as I said few veg require pollination except for seeds.
Toms, brassicas,most salad have little interaction with honeybees. Often little forage in woods & fields. But seems a nice variety. Flowers & fruit could be useful too. Would there be Enough for a whole years forage, or just in summer? Spose it also depends if you going to be moving them...
Find out what they grow. Most veg don't need pollination to grow, only to seed. Any fruit? Do they grow & harvest own veg or flower seeds. Is there even enough forage to support the tbh never mind your hives. Will there be a clash between you & tbh owner? What about swarms? Theirs, yours and...
Hi o9o. Can you expand on 'bees feed on honey' please? Do they feed on honey exclusively? Or sometimes feed on nectar? Do they ever feed on pollen as adults? Do the nurse bees feed nectar but not ON nectar? Sorry but I like to know all the ins & outs and variables. Cheers
WBC are good choice but I find the low brood box height is murder on the back. Have you thought about 14x12 brood box? Some fit inside lifts depending on age/make of wbc.
Hi Birdie. ERBKA seem a nice bunch. And with Sarnies & cake at every meeting we might need bigger suits! What kind of hive you planning? National or WBC? Cedar or poly?
Why didn't you say this in first post instead of pussyfooting around with the what do you think stuff. And why not just talk to the author instead of blaming BBKA? If they'd censored articles then you'd be complaining too.