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  1. manek

    Wrong end of the alphabet

    Yes - one more mistake I hope never to repeat. Thanks all for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated.
  2. manek

    Wrong end of the alphabet

    Thank you Enrico - it was a horrible shock. Hoping to get better at beekeeping eventually... Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  3. manek

    Wrong end of the alphabet

    Not sure about the swarm (in August?). Eggs were present (though I didn't see HM) on 29 July so I can't see the disappearance of the entire colony happening that quickly. But who knows? All seemed normal last time I looked.
  4. manek

    Wrong end of the alphabet

    I inserted the entrance block a month ago, and pulled off a couple of supers about a week later. A quick glance into the hive seemed OK at that point; with wasps about, I was more concerned with getting the supers out of the apiary before the wasps detected them than anything else. Today, I...
  5. manek

    Wrong end of the alphabet

    First inspection of my two hives this month today, aiming to assess storage space for winter food, and check for disease. The first hive was fine, plenty of space to lay and store food. The second was a disaster area. Although I could see bees orienting outside the entrance block, which had...
  6. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Went to sort out solid cover boards and clearer boards for taking the supers off. I disturbed one of my stored brood boxes. Out flew a bunch of wax moth. Inside was a disgusting, unsalvageable mess. The larvae had also made inroads into a number of other bits of kit, including a poly hive...
  7. manek

    Electric extractor recommendation

    I have one these (just arrrived yesterday so I've not had a chance to try it out). The honey gate is low down on the barrel and the centre of the slightly conical bottom of the drum is raised, so honey will flow out to the edges and out the honey gate.
  8. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Burned half a dozen frames heavily infested with wax moth. Treated the rest of them with undiluted acetic acid fumes. That's going to be a fun job to clear out.... Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  9. manek

    Is it petrol time...

    Go on then - I seem to have an empty hive to fill... Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  10. manek

    Is it petrol time...

    ... And the coda to this petite histoire is that I've passed the bees on to another, far more experienced beek. She collected them this morning, and I feel much better... Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  11. manek

    Changing from radial to tangential

    But the OP wants to go the other way... Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  12. manek

    Is it petrol time...

    You're not wrong. The other colonies haven't had nearly the attention they need and deserve.
  13. manek

    Is it petrol time...

    Yes, thanks for your help, Bill.
  14. manek

    Is it petrol time...

    So you're suggesting I should move the grumpy lot during the day and let the flyers come back to another hive in the same location, moving the grumpy hive somewhere in the meantime? Or move the whole lot, sealed up, overnight?
  15. manek

    Is it petrol time...

    Er, no I left the QCs, reasoning that a new Q might be better than the old one, and will certainly be better than no Q! And if the new one's temperament is just as grumpy, I'll probably have to kill them. I'd hate to do it, it's not what I came into beekeeping for, obviously, but I want to...
  16. manek

    Knight of the long stingers

    Good luck Martin with the nasty hive. I feel your pain (going through something similar myself).
  17. manek

    Is it petrol time...

    Thanks for the excellent advice but I'm probably not going to take that route. Apart from not having a spare queen right now, I've promised the site owner I'd not disturb them for a while, as each time I do, the bees attack passers-by. And while it's fairly rural, there are people within 50...
  18. manek

    Is it petrol time...

    They're not leather - can't do anything with those. For this lot I use thick rubber gauntlets and glad of them. I rinse them off every few minutes to remove the attack pheromone. With other colonies, it's just long cuff nitriles. Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  19. manek

    Is it petrol time...

    Guess I should have thought of that. What in your experience happens now? Is the new Q likely to be as nasty? Sent from my Mi A2 Lite using Tapatalk
  20. manek

    Is it petrol time...

    I promised feedback and here it is: I've just got back from a fruitless but you might say entertaining afternoon with the nasty hive. I removed the three supers, moved the BB about 5 metres away and put it on top of an eke with cover boards above and below the BB. The supers went back on the...