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  1. A

    Best way to increase from healthiest colonies

    What method of encouragement would you recommend given my aims? Is there an easy way of encouraging the formation of many supercedure cells - perhaps 10 to 20?
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    Best way to increase from healthiest colonies

    Yes, that's rather what I'm doing here, but with the much-appreciated bonus of expert help! I'm planning to make my own hives to take national frames. I'm undecided as to whether to make both brood box and supers, or just work with one or the other (current preference is supers). I'm...
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    Best way to increase from healthiest colonies

    No, I'm not bothered about honey yet - my first objective is building a strong apiary of 3- to 50 hives. I'm not isolated, but I know of one middle size apiary nearby that doesn't treat (and whose drones should therefore meet my aim of supplying new workers that don't need treatments). There...
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    Best way to increase from healthiest colonies

    Thanks RAB. Yes, I had planned to requeen the weaker - when I said 'fade away' I was thinking of those bloodlines, rather than the actual hives. I'm doubless being thick, but I wonder if you could explain what you mean by 'induce supercedure cells'? I think I'm really looking for is the...
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    Best way to increase from healthiest colonies

    Hi Jim, Because I want to be able to identify the strongest, and increase from them only. I don't want to multiply the weak ones. Roger
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    Best way to increase from healthiest colonies

    Sorry, profile done, I'm in East Kent, and in what I reckon is good bee country. Roger
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    Best way to increase from healthiest colonies

    Hi, I'm trying to build apiary size while improving strength and vigour by making increase from my strong hives every year, and letting the weaker ones fade away. I want to increase from my two or three best hives next year. These seem to be real goers - good production, calm, good health, no...
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    Some people say that because they dont medicate so much the stronger survive more and so the become more disease resistent. Same with varroa Roger
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    Breeding for resistance to Varroa destructor in Europe*

    i only read the top and bottom, but very interesting, thanks Finman. seems theres hope for an end to varroa when bees can do for themselves. now where can I buy some of these queens...? Roger