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  1. emoclewbee

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Every Sycamore I walked past I could hear a decent buzz from. Spotted a few bees on them. Hopefully I will see some green pollen coming in. Also I saw a couple bees on the apple blooms. Some later ones are only just opening but most apples been flowering for over a week.
  2. emoclewbee

    Do emergency queen cells make decent queens?

    Many commercially available queens are grafted into queenless cell builders, so it is the emergency response that is responsible for generating these queen cells
  3. emoclewbee

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Apples well and truly out here in Cork. Haven't seen any bees on them this year though
  4. emoclewbee

    Do you Destroy Queencups/Play Cups?

    The question states routinely.
  5. emoclewbee

    Do you Destroy Queencups/Play Cups?

    After a discussion with some beek friends I am curious, during inspections do people routinely remove empty Queen Cups or do people leave them in?
  6. emoclewbee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    One hive headed by a late mated 2023 queen, has not been doing well and is down to a frame and a half of brood. 3 unsealed queen queens all found on one side of the full frame. Not if they are trying to supercede but decided to do an AS. I was hoping to requeen from better stock but will see how...
  7. emoclewbee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I reared my queens in 2 batches last year. All the May Queens came out of winter booming. The batches from June were all a bit of a failure to be honest. After 2 not mating and combining another in August. I was left with 2 "late" queens going into winter. One died over winter, I suspect a queen...
  8. emoclewbee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Time to consider disease I think. If no obvious signs of anything on inspection, I would do a OA vape, or you could do a wash to check for mites. What miticide did your friend use?
  9. emoclewbee

    Swarms from unmanaged hive - worth it?

    Sorry I misread. Still I suspect jenkinsbrymair is correct. I know some people don't like collecting swarms. I think it is worth a go, might as well leave out a bait hive. You can always treat or requeen as needed
  10. emoclewbee

    Swarms from unmanaged hive - worth it?

    It doesn't necessarily mean it is the same family line of bees. It could swarm out one year or die off and then a new swarm moves into the abandoned hive next year. Certainly a free living hive which has survived this long probably has some varroa resistant traits but that isn't necessarily what...
  11. emoclewbee

    God I love growing our own

    The breeds I keep are not worth fattening imo
  12. emoclewbee

    God I love growing our own

    My grandmother showed me a way to divine for hens when I was younger. I tried it last year to show it to my toddler aged cousins. Got 11 hens, 1 cock out of 15 eggs. I am certain it was just total luck, but for fun decided to do it again this year. If it works again maybe I will consider...
  13. emoclewbee

    God I love growing our own

    Not exactly growing but chicks hatched out today. This hen is 5 years old and this is her 8th time. Though only her third time hatching hens. There is use for this old hen yet
  14. emoclewbee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Supers added to all hives. 2 to all the 2023 Queens. Plenty of drone brood, only saw one single drone in one hive. A High pressure weather system meant to come in from mid week, so will be thinking about Demaree in the next couple weeks
  15. emoclewbee

    Increasing. With mated queen question

    You can introduce a mated Queen into either (full colony or nuc). Keeping in mind the usual precautions of introduction. I believe most people advise adding the new queen to the full hive as they believe the hive is less likely to swarm under a new queen than an old one. Seeing as the nuc will...
  16. emoclewbee

    Double brood or demaree?

    Deleting my previous comment as I read yours wrong. Thought it said you did want to make increase. Both are valid options, I would Demaree however, as I find it more likely to reduce swarming. Must be nice weather in Cumbria, can't see myself having to think about Demaree or spilts until we...
  17. emoclewbee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    First inspections done today. One queen failure, all else made it through. Nectar and pollen are coming in. Brood nest across 3/4 frames in most. 6 frames in a single BS deep, that was a caught cast AMM swarm last year, which is ahead of the curve so far it seems.
  18. emoclewbee

    Propolis needed

    There are several preclinical studies, and I know of one small clinical study showing Propolis can reduce the inflammation caused by Eczema. Allergy to Propolis has been report however, but seems to be rare. I too would be interested in hearing how make it, if you are willing to share on here.
  19. emoclewbee

    'Renting' beehives. How much?

    If they want them actively managed with an aim to make money then they should be paying you imo. Renting hives is not something I have come across. I know a beekeeper who manages hives for a neighbour. His neighbour inherited hives and wants bees in them but doesn't want to managed them. He...
  20. emoclewbee

    'Renting' beehives. How much?

    I don't think I get what is the transaction is. They have hives and need them managed right? To what end, they just want bees in the area I am assuming? Or do they want Honey? You are planning to provide them a service in that situation so why would you pay them, to give them a service? You...