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  1. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

  2. Fellstoflats

    Embedding power source?

    Has anyone bought a suitable power source for embedding wires recently? My much abused 12v battery charger has finally bitten the dust (ie, I left it outside in the rain at some point over the winter), and my replacement Ring unit somehow seems to know it's not connected to car battery, and...
  3. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Another round of inspections, before I'm elbow deep in sheep.. Wall to wall BIAS, plenty of drone brood, with some emerging. Toying with the idea of supers, but also want to make splits from this queen (great temperament, frugal store use), so maybe I'll leave them another week, to get rammed...
  4. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Maisemores are my usual choice, and similarly, I've never had an issue with them- machining and wood are always perfectly good for my needs. I was given a batch from Thornes, and the machining is all over the place by comparison. No real criticism, they're seconds after all. Just some seconds...
  5. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Threw together a heap of 2seconds SN4s, and wired them up. I know they're seconds, but the difference in quality/workmanship was huge between the two suppliers I'd used- really quite surprising.
  6. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Exactly 😉
  7. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    OSR a-plenty, and a settled warm morning here, so a pre-lambing check in order, to see where we stand before it all kicks off. BIAS, patches s of drone brood, and a few play cups, very pleasing to see.
  8. Fellstoflats

    Using Sheep’s Wool As Insulation

    Input from another sheep farmer- Sheep may be treated from now on to avoid flystrike, particularly in the south of England. Body fluids and muck left on the fleece can become a veritable feast for flies if we have a mild spring. On our farm, these treatments would be a cypermethrin based...
  9. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Finished painting a hive and a nuc, gave two more nucs two coats of primer, and eyeleted 100 super sidebars.
  10. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    What's the weather been like at that apiary? Have you somehow avoided the never ending rains?
  11. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I did exactly the same today, and was thinking similarly- even got a sting to the armpit from one of the blighters.. Should have done my jacket up!
  12. Fellstoflats

    Where to put the entrance hole in a nuc-box?

    Do you have any pictures? I'm knocking up a few nice at the minute, and want to move towards UFE on them. Thanks!
  13. Fellstoflats

    Finished the Ph.D...

    South Chiltern Beekeeper's Association
  14. Fellstoflats

    Finished the Ph.D...

    Congratulations- I'm looking forward to your talk at our association next Wednesday!
  15. Fellstoflats

    Veil / Helmet recommendation

    I've got one of those crop-top type jobs, that I keep in my swarm kit. Works well, especially if you put it under a jacket or fleece. Think I paid about £3 for it from a closing down sale.
  16. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    As an update, the consultant today decided for should heal up by itself, and I'll just have some scarring, and perhaps a wobbly finger nail. Lucky it wasn't worse, and a small price to pay for a silly mistake.
  17. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Similar for me, working on farm. Recall as a child a bloke who'd stuck his arm in a baler, coming in to tell us all it was a bad idea..
  18. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Fortunately, or not, this same finger suffered an incident with a bread knife 10 years ago, so didn't have much feeling in the top anyway!
  19. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Redesigned my finger whilst cutting top bars on the table saw 🫣 Lesson learnt- wait for the blade to stop before you pick stuff up.. or maybe put the guards back on when they don't need to be off..