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  1. citrus

    post demaree - making up a nuc - does the queen cell need to be closed up

    a quick follow up question on the nuc's i made up....last weekend. when i next inspect my main hives I want to consider the nuc's i made up ....part of me wants to leave them alone to let the new queen do her thing ...but as they are still in the same apiary ... should i get some bees from...
  2. citrus


    so my hives are in my garden ... and so is my bindweed :-) so what is the best plan ... spray discretely in the evenings to avoid the insect life .... and use full covid protection with gallup 360 ?
  3. citrus

    Sweet potatoes

    well i'd be very interested ... this is first year we have the greenhouse for plants rather than STUFF !
  4. citrus

    Can London support more colonies?

    Well with covid shaking up the banking world ... our moorgate office might end up being shuttered for the long term and any plans for being paid to do IT and some glamour bee hives might get scrapped !
  5. citrus

    Sweet potatoes

    interesting .... I take it you cant stick an lidl sweet potato in the jar and keep it warm and let it do its thing ?...... /yours bookmarking this !
  6. citrus

    Can London support more colonies?

    I work near moorgate (well did pre-covid19 and my pc I am remoted to is there ) I discussed having hives on the flat roof at work and it might yet 'get off the ground' ...pun intended. Can you imagine the look on the uber driver with a small hive in the back when I moved it to the out...
  7. citrus

    IPM is not just for varroa

    squirrel traps work pretty well ...but the rat traps don't seem to work well for me anyone got any recommendations for those ULTRASONIC PEST REPELLER ? seem to have mixed reviews on how effective they are
  8. citrus

    post demaree - making up a nuc - does the queen cell need to be closed up

    fair enough ... weather was forecast worse tomorrow (8th day). did the inspection and not the gush of queen cells in the top BB I was expecting if I am honest but then demaree at the right time might stop that urge anyway I guess ? will keep rolling for a few weeks and try patience :-) also...
  9. citrus

    post demaree - making up a nuc - does the queen cell need to be closed up

    Demeree last weekend so tomorrow is D day with day 7 so looking to make up a nuc from the best (biggest/least wonky) queen cell. So this is question is about choosing the right QC. In the past I have used a fully closed queen cell but could you also take one that isnt fully capped ? would the...
  10. citrus

    Macdee’s Demaree

    yeah its always a bit scary with a packed bottom brood box and you hope to God the queen is in there somewhere !! then trying to put the queen excluder and cram them all in
  11. citrus

    Macdee’s Demaree

    nice one ... now you talked about this 'rolling demaree' last year ... but remind me again ... I just keep moving brood from the bottom brood box to the top and returning clear comb for HM to lay into ... -that includes frames with a mix of eggs and sealed brood ? - and how long to keep...
  12. citrus

    Macdee’s Demaree

    did these to my hives yesterday but now realise I forgot the top queen excluder :-( so currently have S BB (top) S S --QX--- BB (bottom) do I need to go back and put a qx under that top BB now ? (or can I do it in a few days when I intend to let out any trapped drones)
  13. citrus

    Balled Queen on inspection

    so basically to confirm ... paynes roof upside down ... super's on the roof at 45 angle ... then spare queen exluder on top of those supers ....... ..... then place the top brood box (with its queen excluder still stuck on ) on top of the super stack with qx to stop HM wandered into the...
  14. citrus


    So sorry to hear this Ian .. and hope and pray your dad gets through this and may your Mum have an elevated place in paradise. We have a national helpline here at a charity I'm trustee for and we are running a support line ( 0333 880 6619 ) and some very hard times for folks. I had...
  15. citrus

    Balled Queen on inspection

    that is a good point I have never thought about .... but I thought by doing it top down you are more likely to get a queen to go into the bottom box and so 'safer' - the top box would need to have queen excluder top and bottom to prevent HM getting crushed ?
  16. citrus

    never done a unite before ...

    thanks Ian ... and remove the queen excluder the following week .....and inspect as normal then ? (ideally like to run as double brood so would be ideal if they could unite and work well)
  17. citrus

    never done a unite before ...

    never done a unite before so had a question ready for lunchtime inspection tomorrow so have two national brood boxes that I think I should unite. 1 hive had no sign of HM when inspected 14 days ago so donated some eggs to the hive to buy some time and last week we had emergency qc's but pretty...
  18. citrus

    oz armour suit

    so is the oldcastle ... cool and breathable like the ozarmour one ?
  19. citrus

    Honey analysis

    missed a trick and only just registered for this year ... but did get the email saying to keep a sample safe for later on . .. last year I got a very wide pollen distribution (which was nice) but was thinking maybe it would be good to get an early spring version in early May prepared to get...
  20. citrus

    Wax Extraction from Brood frames.

    Or use a slow cooker/crockpot and it helps it is a sunny day and my solar panels are giving me free power