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  1. citrus

    its behind you (said in a panto voice) and the disappearing swarm

    yeah i had some old brood comb and used that so fair enough ... in fact some residual bees stayed in the nuc as there was a bit of stores in there ... they overnight there and arent just robbers ... should shake them out really
  2. citrus

    confused over hive hygiene

    picking up this old thread ... but if I have one apiary (4 hives) ... could argue I dont need to clean the gloves or tools at all ? ...... ..... reason i ask is that if the marigolds get stung on hive 1 .... when i move to hive 2 i am carrying that scent so was thinking about washing...
  3. citrus

    its behind you (said in a panto voice) and the disappearing swarm

    thanks for all the comments ... 1. didnt check the bees stayed in the nuc in the evening before i moved it (mistake) - went back to work so missed them leaving ! 2. didnt check the bees where in the box before i vaped on day 4 ... (mistake) 3. didnt put open brood frame in the nuc on day1...
  4. citrus

    its behind you (said in a panto voice) and the disappearing swarm

    So did inspections last week and was all geared up to demaree a hive but they looked a bit odd ... lots of activity in the super as i lifted the plastic crown board ... i picked thru trying to find the damn queen and was struggling (been here before) .... and didnt want to sieve the bees but...
  5. citrus

    Treating Wax moth and grub

    Haha Dani ...knowing my luck the weather on Taly will be better !
  6. citrus

    Treating Wax moth and grub

    hope you are right ... so far so good .... that said I am off to Spain soon in the van so might pop to "El Hombaseo" (other Spanish garden places may also work) and try and get some fresh stuff !
  7. citrus

    Treating Wax moth and grub

    very glad i took the advice here and got a big tub of Dipel .... dont need much and should see me out !
  8. citrus

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    I moved it away as its on a balcony that is visible so not everyone is comfortable (despite being behind a locked glass door) but was a talking point for a few days !
  9. citrus

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    well i had one on the shed at a mates house in cheam and worked well but also got one on the top of the big mosque -> The Baitul Futuh Mosque in London. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. 3 stories up The good thing about high places was access is secure in case the hive gets occupied !
  10. citrus

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    its actually the old HSS (tool hire) HQ and in a pretty ugly trading estate but the wandle runs beautifully along one side and there is beddington nature reserve and mitcham common on the other (until you hit croydon incinerator and IKEA !) ... I could put the bait hive on the reception roof...
  11. citrus

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    Maybe 10 stories is a bit of a tall story ... certainly its a high building ... but maybe only 5 floors...
  12. citrus

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    haha ... yeah the hovis bakery factory has a pretty sweet (and overpowering) smell ..... not the smell you get from your local bakery that is wonderful ! ..perhaps its me tho ,..... was a bit late to sourdough lockdown but got a starter in the new year so have become a bread bore ! ... so...
  13. citrus

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    Yeah got one last year one on that site ... we have another mosque in Mitcham and the bait hive is 10 floors up but didnt get any luck .....its on a trading estate (they make hovis bread so perhaps the stink of white bread put them off !) it has direct line of sight to the croydon...
  14. citrus

    Ethnicity of beekeepers

    I am a white British muslim beekeeper ... and my mentor was Iraqi. The Holy Qu'ran has many glowing references to honey and the bees so there is a great deal of interest within Muslim communities as a result. I have a bait hives on Britain's Biggest Mosque (Morden) and everyone is always...
  15. citrus

    Shout out to Dani and another year of good Modding

    A few years back the forum could be a spiteful place and newbies would dare to post and think its worth looking back a few years ago when it got a bit silly. A Rubicon was crossed and the way out was Dani was blessed with moderating powers and the forum has always been a nicer place since...
  16. citrus

    Installing Kingspan/Celotex above the Crown Board

    /starts singing/ "I wish it could be Christmas ever day ay ayay " true be told tho they are were broken and dont like to throw things away so they are "bird scarers" ....and same for the cds" .... we have the occasional woodpecker in our garden but mainly feasting on ants but thought I would...
  17. citrus

    Installing Kingspan/Celotex above the Crown Board

    Well for the last few years i have been really lazy and just had a big slab on top of the poly roof ... they stay on all year round ...but have cut some up now to go in the "winter insulator super" with a feeding void ready
  18. citrus

    Installing Kingspan/Celotex above the Crown Board

    ok will make an effort this year ... :-)
  19. citrus

    Installing Kingspan/Celotex above the Crown Board

    is just putting the kingspan on top of the roof being totally lazy (weighted down of course) its still insulation after all !
  20. citrus

    Gasvap Modifications

    @pargyle so you vaping from the top down ? . ... i have been going under the mesh floor instead or thru the poly nuc front .. and letting the hot fumes rise up - are the fumes denser than air ?