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  1. T

    Bumble bee calls - getting bored repeating myself

    come and sit on one i have been to tonight.. You would of got ure ar-e stung a few times..
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    Bumble bee calls - getting bored repeating myself

    this is a sensible man i just wish we were all like him and me. As i have said before iff i can save a bumble bee nest i will. But 9 times out of ten i wont
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    Hacked Off - Swarm loss

  4. T

    So Looking forward to all this swarming ending

    from 2 to 6 // I wish I am up to 39 counting the nucs with swarms in,, not running out of kit ran out of kit and its still only may
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    Bumble Bees - waht advice are you giving?

    Any beek destroying bumblebee nests for people should be ashamed rubbish/// im not ashamed when a old man of 80 and his dog got 5 stings from the so called endangered bumble bees. 2 puffs of the powder and job done and I will destroy a lot more before the season finishes.. if any one wants to...
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    OSR Watch

    250 pound and only took a bit.. 3 hives tomorrow have got 6 full// capped supers to take off I reckon there will be 100- 150 lb to take still got another 15 to do after that
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    Who's lost a swarm then...........

    mm I split one on the 24 th of april. looked today 3 supers absolutely full.. 8 frames full of brood most of it capped. and 8 q cells.. beggers gone.. so these that are been split now will be at it againe in a month.. only way ive found to stop her swarming is to kill her ha ha:icon_204-2:
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    Bumble Bees - waht advice are you giving?

    had 9 calls in the last 2 days.. 3 were moved 3 were destroyed and 3 were left alone .. I look at every job on its merits.. just look at the farmer when he sprays rape.. does he think I must save them.. NO he sprays and every one on the rape DIES
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    With swarming, necessity is the mother of invention

    I agree but I put a 6 frame nuc on a flat roof and in the last week I have had 3 swarms in them all in the same place and tonight I had another one in a different location I only put nucs because I have nearly ran out of brood boxes
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    Swarms 2014

    don't think its one of mine???/ I allways say that.. and it usually is:icon_204-2:
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    I couldn't find the queen in one of my colonies.. so I put a new brood box at the side of the old one took each brood frame and shook all the bees off frame then put the brood frame in new box and replaced it all with foundation queen excluder then 2 supers then crown board then roof. 4 days...
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    Varroa: how are people getting on?

    very few. not seen many on boards up to now
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    Swarms 2014

    picked one up yesterday// queen seen marked red// and one off a hedge today more than likely is one of mine
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    Early Honey extraction

    250 pound up to now.. supers full to bursting but everytime I look and do the shake test it is running out like water.. looks like im gonna wait till the osr has done then take it off. then to the borage
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    AFB in Doncaster ?

    nnooooooooooo not protected
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    same here// 3 supers on most of my hives absolutely teaming in..
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    Behaviour advice

    scout bees... swarms are a coming
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    join the club .. im running out of kit fast swarms everywhere around here
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    Swarms 2014

    you would be sick of them iff u lived near me picked one more up 2 night.. that's 7 this week. all from the same area.. not mine
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    Swarms 2014

    got one in a bait hive at my house picked 2 up 10 mile away last night and 2 more today .. no more .. please im running out of equipment FAST