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  1. Monsieur Abeille

    What to do next? Do they need frames?

    Quite - mine had all stores in supers and little or none in brood boxes - therefore removing the supers for honey would have left them with next to nothing if no feed was given. Like enrico mine appear to be consuming more than they are retrieving, so I've started my winter feed but will make...
  2. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    (yesterday) - pulled off supers from hives, inserted apilife var, and put on rapid feeders as they were all low of stores in the brood box. Spun and collected just over 50lbs from 3 hives (first collection since taking off the last of the rape in June) - not too bad as summer goes as they...
  3. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Used the absence of Madame A to make up a few gallons of autumn feed (she's not keen on the thymol smell) Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk
  4. Monsieur Abeille

    bee escape devices

    Picture have sadly gone from this thread describing a modified rhombus This was my sorry (but extremely effective) attempt
  5. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Bees on best behaviour on visit with friends, noticed all colonies quite short of stores in the brood boxes though (supers seems as before), so readying a large amount of feed for when I whip off the supers in a couple of weeks
  6. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Went and watched my newly stroppy hive. Saw one wasp hover nearby then go away. Several drones getting booted out. Received a certain amount of pinging from guard bees, nothing excessive but then again I was only standing to one side observing.
  7. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    No obvious sign Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk
  8. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Popped up to the apiary which houses one of my three colonies in advance of a session showing friends around on the weekend. Last week they were sweet as can be, today I was mobbed after 30 seconds without even opening up (weather is fine with no rain/thunder on the horizon). Three theories -...
  9. Monsieur Abeille

    Anyone Using MAQS Strips This Autumn?

    Lazy as in not capitalising the letter "I" ? ;) Came onto the forum to see if there was any point in hanging onto my one year out of date MAQS - I've used it for the past couple of years without any noticeable issues bar the odd queen going off laying. But reading this thread I think has...
  10. Monsieur Abeille


    RAB - There's another colony inbetween, otherwise that would have been the plan. Relieved to have seen the advise that fighting their way out of a newspaper prison will be enough, that's where they are now Thanks all
  11. Monsieur Abeille


    Hi all I have a nuc that I want to combine with a colony that is about 2 yards away, facing a different angle. I'm assuming I should move the nuc to another site first for re-orientation so that the flyers don't get confused in their new home. If this is the case, roughly how long would they...
  12. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Did second OSR harvest today, 50x12oz jars to go with the 54 from a fortnight ago. Went around to out apiary to check poly nuc living there hadn't disapeared up to Oz
  13. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Did first OSR harvest of the year, quite a decent return although not as much (so far) as last year. Will do another when its gone over, looking to be around a fortnight up this way
  14. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Bundled up my collected swarm last night, strapped down and put in the back of the car. Transported for 5 miles to out-apiary. Opened the boot to reassuring hum from within (hadn't actually seen any bees when packing up) but slightly aghast to see the strap hadn't done its job and the box had...
  15. Monsieur Abeille

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Some errant bees snuck out of their nice warm hive to swap for a des res branch on a nearby lobelia. Now housed in a new wooden home prior to being relocated in temporary location this evening. Other than that the OSR collection was obviously slowed last week with the inclement weather but now...
  16. Monsieur Abeille

    Winter losses 2014/15

    Just a quick reminder this poll closes in a couple of weeks
  17. Monsieur Abeille

    Best price for 12oz Hex Honey Jars Please.

    Yup I'm sure thats the case, and I'm sad not to be using them as they have always given exemplary service. Sadly I'm not a big customer and the price difference for 250-300 is the overwhelming consideration.
  18. Monsieur Abeille

    Best price for 12oz Hex Honey Jars Please.

    Well spotted HM - my post indeed referred to Pattesons without an R Will report back on the couriership if it dissapoints
  19. Monsieur Abeille

    Help Needed in Melton Mowbray

    Would definitely beg to differ here. I've had a couple of colonies which have rejected a procession of new queens, all introduced in the recommended manner. Found most success by merging with an existing colony, as per Gilberdyke John's post. If they are queenless, they will be extra angry, so...
  20. Monsieur Abeille

    Out Apiary urgently required

    Agree with that, most local farmers seem very keen.