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  1. bontbee

    Varroa Does Not Feed on Hemolymph.

    Haven't got to the end of the questions, yet, but fascinating presentation. Lots of new info - for me at least. Excellent, thanks HM
  2. bontbee

    Wax cleaning and a bruheat boiler

    Has anyone tried cleaning wax in a bruheat boiler, please? Back in the day, when I used to brew, the element in the boiler would occasionally "fur up" and cut out during the boil. IIRC it was down to the sugars in the wort.... I intend to wash the wax first, so sugars shouldn't be an issue...
  3. bontbee

    Orange pollen? Lime or Ivy....?

    Some of the stringy pollen comes from fuchsia. Not sure if any other plant does stringy stuff.
  4. bontbee

    Apiguard 3kg bucket

    According to the reps at Tradex, the tubs were withdrawn because the license for the UK covered the trays only.
  5. bontbee

    Do you experience ASMR?

    aargh, I didn't get the same prompts. think I'd better abandon this and go and watch a vid.....
  6. bontbee

    Help, please?

    I'd like to set up a simple, Y/N poll, but having ventured to start a new thread, I can't see any options for setting up the options. Can anyone help, please? Thanks Having submitted this post, I can now see how the poll is set up.... Will try again, sorry Can I/someone delete this post...
  7. bontbee

    What crops attract honey bees

    ….If you like honey with such a delicate flavour it could be described as....bland!;)
  8. bontbee

    Wet supers

    That's what I was told, and what I always did, until the little blighters munched their way through wax, honey and all. Now I store most dry. Wet supers will get the bees up into them very quickly next year, though.
  9. bontbee

    Bee carrying a birds feather?

    Was it def a feather? Just asking, cos some solitary leaf cutter bees carry bits of flower petal, not just bits of leaf. I had exactly the same a couple of years back - a white-ish thing, apparently being carried on the breeze.
  10. bontbee

    Book Recommendations

    Mating Biology of honey bees by Koeniger, Koeniger, Ellis and Connor, pub. Wicwas Press. Lovely little book Oops, possibly not so relevant for the "methods I use", but still a lovely little book!
  11. bontbee

    New to bees - Yorkshire

    Hi, Courty, Some bees are much more sensitive to vibration and movement than others. If you can get to see other people's bees, you'll get a better idea of how "aggressive" - ie. defensive! - yours are. The association apiary is likely to be stocked with docile strains - it seems to be the...
  12. bontbee

    The Beauty of Pollination

    Thank you! What a lovely little film. Fabulous little flying jewels and it's the first time I've ever heard of/seen film of a bat carrying it offspring while foraging.
  13. bontbee

    Advice: Help! bees found my stored supers!

    I understand what you are saying about robbing - why wouldn't they rob anyway? I pondered exactly that. I didn't give them extra honey, I just left them with a tiny remnant of what they had been working in exactly the same place. My thoughts are that when a food source is suddenly cut off...
  14. bontbee

    Advice: Help! bees found my stored supers!

    In the past I've just removed the source and noticed that the "robbers" carry on looking for the missing food and will attempt to invade nearby hives. This may be simplistic, but my interpretation is that because the bees finish up the food themselves, they regard it an just another exhausted...
  15. bontbee

    Do bees overwinter better in nucs or hives?

    :iagree: Double/triple poly nucs do really well through winter in my experience, as well as any other time of year!
  16. bontbee

    Just extracted very dark honey.

    How dark is dark? I have, several times, had a "dark medium" with a "murky" (for want of a better word to link to honey!!) appearance. I am told it's hawthorn. A lovely, not too sweet, almost "nutty" flavour.
  17. bontbee

    Reducing the faff of extracting

    I was fortunate enough to have a windfall which went on an electric nine frame extractor and uncapping tray/drainer. They revolutionized my extracting. Being able to carry on uncapping, while the frames do a long slow spin - with a final whizz at the end - makes extracting so much more...
  18. bontbee

    Light-coloured bees

    Unfortunately/fortunately, depending on one's perspective, NRW seem to have a programme for treating HB and JK in this region.
  19. bontbee

    Reducing the faff of extracting

    Dont' want to be rude, but did you really mean a jar???
  20. bontbee

    Advice: Help! bees found my stored supers!

    A tip I was given, and have tried with 100% success, (out of two attempts!), is to exchange what is being robbed with a very small amount of honey/comb/whatever - in the same place. When that supply has all gone, the bees go elsewhere to forage, despite the quantity and appearance of the food...