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  1. bontbee

    Abelo varroa tester 3 in 1

    I note that in the video the sample of bees is taken from above the QX. I understood that the sample should be taken from bees on brood frames, as that's where varroa "congregate". I guess what I'd like to know is, how much does it matter? There's a very much reduced risk of including the...
  2. bontbee

    Insects late in the season

    I've also seen red admiral in the last few days, also Euro hornet on the last remnants of ivy. An abundance of Q wasps under my rooves....or is it roofs, these days.....? Am I showing my extreme age???🧓)
  3. bontbee

    Hive Weights

    Sorry to hear about your health, but glad that you're on the up and that bees are back on the agenda. These amazing little creatures are my best therapy when things go awry!🤗
  4. bontbee

    Tool caddy

    I've tried pockets, but I'm always losing things from them. Also, my main non off-road tool caddy/shed means I have to carry stuff....
  5. bontbee

    Hive Weights

    Hi Richard. Pre varroa??? I remember it well....sigh :cry:
  6. bontbee

    Tool caddy

    I'm afraid mine is a plastic Stanley tool box, encrusted with propolis, sticky with honey/syrup, smeared with wax and, after about 12 years use, a cracked lid. All the small bits - Q cages, hive tools, marker pens, lighter etc, etc, go in the various shallow compartments on the top, (which I...
  7. bontbee

    Shopping list 😁

    Sorry if I've read this wrong but, maybe to clarify, OSBs have the same footprint as a BS national, but the frames are not BS size - they're approx midway between BS deep and shallow. And the box take 12 frames, unless they've changed things since I bought one - and found that an OSB box is...
  8. bontbee

    Shopping list 😁

    If you are inclined to go for nationals, and don't know if you want double deeps or 14 x 12s, you could start with deeps. If you then decide to go 14 x 12, there are ekes available/you could make ekes, to convert BS deep to 14 x 12....
  9. bontbee

    Label materials

    Sorry, tamper evident - I use the ones with a hexagon and a "tail" to go from the lid to the jar on plain lids. They seem to have a "plasticized" gloss. With my "pretty" lids, I use clear plastic strips, so as no to obscure the design - unfortunately, the only way I can think of to get...
  10. bontbee

    Label materials

    Paper labels and a laser printer - or Thornes do paper ones. Anyone know of a supplier of paper T/E labels?
  11. bontbee

    Wax moth in my super

    That's great, thank you
  12. bontbee

    Wax moth in my super

    Re sulphuring combs... Is it effective when combs are wet? I understand it reacts with air to produce sulphurous acid. Can anyone advise if this is this going to be problematic for the bees, or combs?
  13. bontbee

    Wax moth prevention in stored frames

    Enzymes, apparently...ongoing research to identify the good 'uns....
  14. bontbee

    Wax moth prevention in stored frames

    Ooooooh, I know this is very late in the day to reply to SSUp, but bagging boxes in plastic bags doesn't work... Many years ago, I carefully bagged and stacked all my supers. Several whiles later, I couldn't understand what the tiny rustling noise was, coming from the stack. On inspection, I...
  15. bontbee

    Queen bee size changes

    What a sweet thought of queens mating under the moon and stars.............or am I wrong in thinking that she's tucked up in bed at that time of night....;)
  16. bontbee

    Wax moth infestation.

    Be careful putting comb in a greenhouse. If the sun shines it might all melt!! (think solar wax extractor - it's still pretty hot in a greenhouse when the sun shines...) Also, if you're fumigating the frames properly, it shouldn't fumigate the greenhouse as well! Hope that helps. Cheers
  17. bontbee

    How to stop bees drowning in syrup

    These feeders were used in the association apiary for a short while. Bees drowned in droves - now consigned to the back of the shed....
  18. bontbee

    Health certificates for selling?

    I have just (quickly, he hastens to add), read the article and it doesn't seem to indicate where the honey originated....I know it's still a case of infant botulism linked to honey, and I'm not suggesting that UK honey is exempt from botulism, but it might be interesting to know where the honey...
  19. bontbee

    Cleaning up supers and wasps

    I always used to store them wet, but did end up with moth...big and small at the same time! Now they are put back on, above the cover board - if I have time - and stored dry in the shed, otherwise stored wet and outside. The wet ones are used to get the bees above the QX in spring: they do...