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  1. Jon.21

    Failed Supercedure

    Left them there. They capped them though and queens emerged as saw a hole in the end.
  2. Jon.21

    Failed Supercedure

    It’s still the original queen from the swarm when it arrived. Despite the bees supercedure attempts she is still there. I know as I marked her straight away and it’s still the same one. There is 4-6 queen cells each time on the face of the comb hence why I’m assuming these are supercedure cells.
  3. Jon.21

    Failed Supercedure

    I captured a swarm in June. Marked the queen and after a couple of weeks they had drawn out 6 frames of 14x12 with bias. Since then (July) I have moved them to a full hive and they have tried to supercedure 3 times. I checked at the weekend and there is 6 supercedure cells so this makes it the...
  4. Jon.21

    Honey Jar Labels ???

    To fit a 12oz jar.
  5. Jon.21

    Honey Jar Labels ???

    Designed my custom label for free on canva. Just ordered 1000 labels 92mmx67mm off £55 total including delivery for premium paper labels. Can get them £5 cheaper if you don’t select premium paper. Use NEW10 code for 10% off. Reason I went with them was cheapest by...
  6. Jon.21

    Angry colonies yesterday before thunderstorm

    Thanks all for the feedback. I like the notion that they were retaliating for me removing there honey 🤣💦. Unbeknown to me my mum who has recently taken up bee keeping she went into her hive a day after I had my experience and got stung a couple of times as they were so aggressive or maybe...
  7. Jon.21

    Angry colonies yesterday before thunderstorm

    Has anyone else found colonies are really aggressive a few hours before a thunderstorm? It’s the only theory I can come up with. Last week I lifted off a couple of supers on my 3 colonies using no smoke and had no issues. Was checking to see if they had cleaned up my extracted supers which...
  8. Jon.21

    Crackling sound from nuc

    I caught a swarm in my poly nuc on Sunday and they straight away started making that noise. When I opened the nuc up a couple of hours after they had drawn an inch or 2 of comb off the roof.
  9. Jon.21

    Sold 6 Frame National 14x12 Nuc - reduced to £150 [Derby]

    Bees expanding nicely now and in need of moving into a full size hive urgently so now reduced to £150 without nuc and £220 with nuc. Believed to be a cast swarm from one of my hives. They drew all 6 frames of wax out in a week with no feeding and queen has now laid up 4/5 frames of brood with...
  10. Jon.21

    Cleaning Supers

    I’ve thought about the same situation. If I take our brood frames with uncapped stores does the nectar that’s not yet honey not go off / ferment ?
  11. Jon.21

    Caught my first swarm in a swarm trap

    Inspected my three hives at the weekend (saw the queen in one of them ) and all good. Eggs present in all of them and no queen cells so looks like this swarm came from somewhere else. Glad I isolated them now and will check up on them next week or 2. Video below is how they were getting on after...
  12. Jon.21

    Caught my first swarm in a swarm trap

    A few weeks ago retrieved my first swarm from a tree. Yesterday another first for me I caught a swarm in my swarm trap. Put up a 14x12 nuc in a April in my garden about 25m away from my hives and this arrived yesterday. Will find out if it’s from one of my colonies at the weekend when I do my...
  13. Jon.21

    Caught my first Swarm

    Thanks all.
  14. Jon.21

    Caught my first Swarm

    Hi. Update on the swarm I collected 9th may. Unable to inspect till now but went in yesterday to have a look. 4 out of 6 frames in nuc drawn out. 2 with sealed worker brood and other 2 with stores. 3 off capped queen cells. No eggs or larvae. No sign of queen. Bees now down to covering 2/3...
  15. Jon.21

    Caught my first Swarm

    Not sure I’d go that far 🤣 but it was certainly a memorable experience and got the adrenalin pumping.
  16. Jon.21

    Caught my first Swarm

    Not fed them as the weather was good and a good flow on. Will let you know how they are when I inspect them.
  17. Jon.21

    Caught my first Swarm

    On my second year of beekeeping and caught this swarm in a 14x12 nuc a couple of weeks ago. Suspect this was a virgin queen from my own apiary about 50m away as I saw a queen hatch same day (one I must have missed when knocking down queen cells as part of artificial split) so suspect there...
  18. Jon.21

    Recommended electric honey extractor for 3 hive’s

    Hi. On my second year of bee keeping and so far it looks like I’m in danger of having honey to extract this year - last year was a right off. So far got a couple of supers filled and almost capped. I’ve got 3off 14x12 hives and only plan to have 3 hives in future due to garden size constraints...
  19. Jon.21

    What do with wild comb wax with dead brood in it

    Hi Went into my two hives yesterday to add a super on as they were looking to be building up well. . Took off my fondant cosy (insulated box with feeder hole) which has a space for feeding and the bees had produced wild comb with worker brood In that area. Cut it all out and now have wax with...