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  1. Jon.21

    Best way to re-queen "Hot" hive?

    Great thanks. An expensive lesson 🤣 learnt ✅
  2. Jon.21

    Best way to re-queen "Hot" hive?

    I requeened 4 feisty hives in the last couple of months with bought in mated queens and only 1 queen survived. On 3 of them I did the black mountain method of make them hopelessly queenless then introduced cage with tab intact for 2 days then remove tab and then check in 2 weeks. Checked a week...
  3. Jon.21

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Been really impressed with free app ObsIdentify. Does plants and insects and tested it a few times and it works really well.
  4. Jon.21

    Wild Honey Bee Colony ?

    Looks like it has a huge entrance with comb fully exposed to the elements. Goes against the 50pence piece size hole criteria that bee swarms are supposed to search for when looking for potential sites.
  5. Jon.21

    Wild Honey Bee Colony ?

    Don’t think my ladders will reach that high 🤣.
  6. Jon.21

    Wild Honey Bee Colony ?

    I’d completely missed the comb. Good spot. Noticed either another entrance or another colony further down the tree today. Be interesting to see how they get on over this winter.
  7. Jon.21

    Spring honey crop

    61kg off 4 hives. First time I have done a spring crop. Last year it was back breaking to leave them on and extract it all at the end of the year and also I fancied separating the taste which is why this year I’m doing spring then summer. A lot of the super frames were uncapped but I did the...
  8. Jon.21

    Wild Honey Bee Colony ?

    Hi. Thanks. Trying to confirm if they are honey bees. Difficult to tell so thought I would see what you guys think.
  9. Jon.21

    Wild Honey Bee Colony ?

    Went out for a walk by my house and saw this. Was weird as I saw the tree and thought that it would be an ideal location for a colony of bees to setup shop and then I saw this activity. Honey bee colony ? About 30/40ft up so can’t get any closer and was using the full extent of my iPhone zoom...
  10. Jon.21

    Mining Bee ?

    Got loads of these all over my Portuguese laurel. Which bee do you think it is ? Looks to be a mining bee.
  11. Jon.21

    How much?

    Sell 12oz jars to local shop for £4 a jar and they retail it at £7. Sell to friends and work colleagues for £5 a jar but told everyone I’m putting the price up next year.
  12. Jon.21

    Bees still extremely defensive 2 weeks after hive fell over

    Thanks all for the feedback. Just wanted to confirm really if bees can remember and be wound up for 2 weeks to see if it was related to that or something else that coincidentally has happened. The OSR went over a couple of weeks ago so maybe that has wound them up or maybe they can remember...
  13. Jon.21

    Bees still extremely defensive 2 weeks after hive fell over

    Thanks all for the feedback. Just wanted to confirm really if bees can remember and be wound up for 2 weeks to see if it was related to that or something else that coincidentally has happened. The OSR went over a couple of weeks ago so maybe that has wound them up.
  14. Jon.21

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I noticed a few days last week where the bees were quiet and even deciding to go on some flowers in garden which they don’t normally do. At the weekend though things have picked up again and noticed the bramble is just starting to flower.
  15. Jon.21

    Bees still extremely defensive 2 weeks after hive fell over

    Bit of an unusual one I need some help with. My mum and dad have started keeping bees (this is their second year) and colony requeened itself in late summer last year via a supercedure. Inspections up to 2 weeks ago were calm and I was even thinking about using there genetics in my home apiary...
  16. Jon.21

    Feisty F2 Buckfast Bees

    Hi did you manage to contact the OSR grower ?
  17. Jon.21

    Feisty F2 Buckfast Bees

    Update on progress. Dispatched 2 queens from the feisty colonies a week ago and ordered replacements from bs honey bees. Yesterday they arrived and I knocked down all queen cells and put the queens in with the release tabs intact. Plan is to release tabs in 2 days. See video below of the queens...
  18. Jon.21

    Feisty F2 Buckfast Bees

    They definitely more feisty than last year all of them. I’ve dispatched one queen out of the 3 colonies with view to requeen in a week. Just wondering whether to dispatch the others or wait till OSR flow is over.
  19. Jon.21

    Feisty F2 Buckfast Bees

    Thanks. Could it be the case they are more defensive as a result of the oil seed rape I have close by that they seem to be foraging on ( heavy bee traffic seen coming and going in that direction ) or is this a myth ? Can’t seem to find any definitive answer on the subject. Trying to reason in...
  20. Jon.21

    Feisty F2 Buckfast Bees

    Thanks both for your reply’s. I’ve got some bamboo that was planning on doing a bit of screening with but may also put up some netting as well until the bamboo gets some height. What mated queen would you buy - carni, buckfast, jolanta ?