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  1. L


    how long does it take to freeze? have the mesh in the freezer for couple of days, thermometer checked and propolis still sticky
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    Banana test

    the tiny Red bananas Red Dacca are gorgeous
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    First honey of the season

    why do you suggest a preserving machine for honey?
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    stroppy bees

    she is very up on hygiene SE!% London weather is lovely but not enough rain. Thank everyone for replies
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    stroppy bees

    no she does not call herself an expert and is a lovely person
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    stroppy bees

    yep I suggested th change the quuen
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    stroppy bees

    no robbing they just get excited on inspection, the others don't, they also follow you around a bit when finished inspection
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    stroppy bees

    I heard a beekeeper saw they thought 1 of 4 hives, the 1st one, was stroppy as the hives were too close and they thought there were too many bees in the location. They are spaced at 1m in a good sized chalk wildflower meadow. the queen is 3yrs and the colony was a swarm from one of the hives 3...
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    Foxes visiting the garden

    apparently lion poo works
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    Tesco’s Honey

    possibly not actually honey TESCO'S own-brand honey has been mixed with cheap syrup made from sugar, according to research. The alarm has been raised by trading standards officers who commissioned tests on a Tesco set honey from a laboratory. The National Food Crime Unit, the Times
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    Good News?
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    Buying second hand hive bodys and roofs

    When an apiary I know was locked down due to EFB, 2 years back the inspectors instructed that all stored hives be soaked in strong soda, then scrubbed then scorched, they inspected after 6 months before lifting lockdown, so suggested if hives are in good nick and they are treated as described...
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    Tobacco smoke

    In the more than honey film, it showed a noted Queen rearer from, I think, Switzerland, a wonderful elderly lady, who did't wear a suit just puffed on an extremely large fat cigar! when dealing with her Queens. I was told cigarettes annoy Bees and makes them stroppy.
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    New Beekeeper - Flow Hive

    having been given 1 and tried for 1 year decided flow hives are for those who want honey but are not interested in Bees
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    Insulating quilts from Th%*nes

    googled Kingspan and heritage houde org states Kingspan is made from horrible petroleum derivatives which are about the most Non-Green, Toxic and un-environmental things you could ever use. ... Kingspan (or ANY foam based boards ) attracts condensation. So would this not cause harm in a hive?
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    Damp & mould in Nationals

    We do use mesh floors and all are on hive stands, not had that much rain this year, but due to Covid issues did have supers on too long So thanks everyone, was surprised that issue had developed so quickly.
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    Damp & mould in Nationals

    Hi bit of help please, Have kept Bees in Nationals for 10 years and yesterday for the first time found mould & damp! We have 4 hives in a chalk wildflower meadow in S London, 1 the roof was covered in damp & mould, in another there was damp and mould gathering across the super frames. Any...
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    Plastic Foundation

    Hi, I got an email from an equipment supplier today advertising their Plastic Foundation. Has anyone one used it, personally can't get a grip on the point of it. Man made artificial products and Bee don't belong together in my view.
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    Hygiene and National Bee Unit Inspections

    could be inspectors had found EFB in your area, I know of a time 3 years back where they found EFB in an apiary and on the way to the next nearby apiary had a look round and found a couple of unregistered hives and went and checked them too, but did contact the owner
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    Using lavender in your smoker.

    yes can't say I notice any difference but my Bees are lovely placid colonies anyway. We have so much lavender and it burns really well and never use any other stuff apart from clean corregated cardboard to get smoker started