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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. M

    Baker's Fondant

  2. M

    Is my colony big enough to survive?

    I have a thriving colony and a second small one due to a very late queen (started laying only 15 days ago after a long long wait-). She is now laying well and I have 3 frames of brood in all stages and two frames of stores as well as 5 super frames of stores. I gave 1 frame of brood from my...
  3. M

    Storing supers over winter

    really helpful summary
  4. M

    Wasp Control

    hlepful decription
  5. M

    wasps entering one hive Help

    pos re wasp entrance reduction
  6. M

    Honey facts

    useful infomormation
  7. M

    6 weeks old AS has been overrun with please!

    really helpful items
  8. M

    How many queen cells do you leave and why?

    Ok. so my colony swarmed, my new queen has emerged (I haven't seen her yet) but i now have 3 uncapped Q cells on the side of a comb- do i destroy them or let the bees decide?
  9. M

    remove Q cells? or leave it to the bees?

    Had a prime swarm from my main colony last friday. Removed all QC except one capped one in a really good location. Today (6 days later) inspected- loads and loads of bees still- Filling the Brood and a half. ( I also have 2 honey filled supers not so full of bees) The QC was open with...
  10. M

    Does taking honey induce a swarm?

    I really didn't think so... but my dad, who is a 'retired' beekeeper suggested my recent swarm was due to me taking a few frames of honey- they have 2 supers of honey and brood and a half It was a prime swarm- but loads of bees left behind- My 'post-mortem' was that the hive was too crowded, i...
  11. M

    why have i got supercedure cells?

    yes I think, in retrospect, that would have been a good idea...However, they don't look like they have swarmed and the queen is definitely gone- do you think they have killed her off?:confused:
  12. M

    why have i got supercedure cells?

    Well, I have already done what Max suggested a week before (i was wondering how others would have dealt with it), and inspected this week- to find a whole load of queen cells, 2 capped already and no eggs, no queen. A few frames of capped brood and lava. So I assume they weren't dissuaded that...
  13. M

    why have i got supercedure cells?

    I did an AS earlier in the spring when the weather was good, I didn't see her for a while and no activity which i assumed was due to delay in mating flights after the weather changed. However I recently saw a very dark new queen, laying. eggs lava and capped brood, no drone brood. On the next...
  14. M

    My bees are out for the night!..Will they survive? and other questions

    Story ends with me having a conversation on the phone with our local swarm liaison officer, with some good advice about putting a frame of brood from the original hive into the bait hive. when I return 10 mins later- entire swarm gone! still put the brood in the bait hive- just incase they...
  15. M

    My bees are out for the night!..Will they survive? and other questions

    Many thanks- This forum is so helpful! I couldn't find answers in the many books I have- experience goes a long way in this craft. will remove the honey, move the hive and rub a few geranium leaves around the area too. Any more advice gratefully received!
  16. M

    My bees are out for the night!..Will they survive? and other questions

    The facts followed by questions: 1. Prime swarm from my large hive (inexperience/ poor weather/ bad timing/ etc) 2. Gone to top of tall fir tree in apiary. 3. due to bad weather swarm occurred at 5.30pm during a sunny spell. 4. Too high to safely retrieve. (30ft) 5. Spare brood chamber ready and...
  17. M

    split before queen cells arise?

    I am in my second year. My primary hive is still huge. I have brood and half and 2 supers. When I examine, so many bees poor out of the hive and I struggle to replace the layers without killing many. They don't like smoke- even when I give them time, and they are rather moody, pinging off my...
  18. Tilly's first beeKeeping day.  Planning the bailey transfer

    Tilly's first beeKeeping day. Planning the bailey transfer

  19. Team work.  Tilly & Mum

    Team work. Tilly & Mum

  20. My first year...

    My first year...
