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  1. C

    Joining Hoffman to DN4 frames

    How do you go about getting the correct spacing? Do you join them using wide spacers? Cliff
  2. C

    ultra close up pictures of honey bees

    This link was sent to me via our bee group. I thought it was interesting. Cliff
  3. C

    Colony intent on committing suicide, not sure what to do now?

    Been through the hive about 6 times and not seen anything. Certain there is no virgin in the hive. Checked by long standing beek and he says the same.
  4. C

    Colony intent on committing suicide, not sure what to do now?

    The problem is that my colony don't seem to want a queen. They are collection pollen and nectar but they are filling up the brood boxes. I'm thinking of removing the bees and starting again! I'm not sure what to do to save them.
  5. C

    Colony intent on committing suicide, not sure what to do now?

    I picked up a colony that had no brood in it. I placed a frame of eggs in the colony and they duly made q cells and queen did hatch but I think she cleared off with a cast. Definitely no queen in the hive. A second attempt was made but with a sealed queen cell from another hive. This too was...
  6. C

    hive in the back garden, can you advise from these pics?

    Just out of interest now time has moved on. I did put a hive in the back garden and built a 2 metre screen near to the hive to make them fly high. The colony was only a 5 frame nuc but it only lasted a day in the garden! The bees were everywhere! Not quite what I expected. I thought they...
  7. C

    Might be a daft question but what is the going donation rate per month / year?

    Thanks for your pms. 2p seems very reasonable!:rofl:
  8. C

    Might be a daft question but what is the going donation rate per month / year?

    Its about time I dipped into my pocket. Is there a sensible going rate? Cliff
  9. C

    How long does it take to become completely broodless like this?

    No, this was a colony brought on from a 5 frame nuc last year. The colony was wintered and was sold as 'building'. It is a strong colony covering the 11 frames but queenless and no brood. How it got to this state im not sure. Cliff
  10. C

    How long does it take to become completely broodless like this?

    A few points. I was told that the hive was checked through the week before I picked up. If the queen was killed in transit, surly the bees would have made some q cells. There would also be brood in the box. I live in St Austell. I will write more and send the pms later, I am between jobs at...
  11. C

    How long does it take to become completely broodless like this?

    Your comments will be greatly appreciated. Its not very clear in the video but the brood is now half full with honey and food stores. How long does it take to get like this in the hive? No need to watch all video as each frame has no brood. This hive was recently sold to me as a marked and...
  12. C

    Can I take this risk of moving a nuc

    I'll give it a go! The bees are being moved across open ploughed fields and into woodland. Its got to be out of their flight path today. Ill put a spare brood box where I move them from. Report back tomorrow! Cliff
  13. C

    Can I take this risk of moving a nuc

    I installed a nuc at 7 am today, (sunday). I dont like where they are, can I move them a mile and a half away tonight? I'm hoping the bees would not have ventured that far yet and have not yet programmed a return flight to where they are now. Cliff
  14. C

    bee temperature

    I dont know the answer if there is one to the question! However, a few of my bees were flying around 7 30pm in the shade of trees. It has also just started spitting rain. They were busy going in and out of the hive but did not see pollen coming in. Also seen them walking on flight deck...
  15. C

    Got some pics and a few questions!!

    Yes, I agree with you, I'm going for a double brood. A couple of reasons. I'm going to move half the brood upstairs and put new foundation on the outsides of the brood. I think this will also make it easier to split the hive later. I'm still very much a novice so this may be the wrong thing...
  16. C

    Got some pics and a few questions!!

    Neither. I bought 2 full colonies. The brood box frames were full! They were drawing super foundation, but only just started drawing. About 2pm today, I put on a fast feeder on top of the super to encourage drawing the foundation. A quick peek at 6 pm, the bees were not interested in the...
  17. C

    Got some pics and a few questions!!

    Hi I collected my first colonies today. Travelling distance was around 120 miles, so safe with the 3 mile / 3 inch rule! When I allowed the bees out in their new home, they erupted like the Icelandic volcano!!! They came out at such a speed that I wanted to close the door again. Bees mainly...
  18. C

    Queen piping...

    I'm would class myself as an electronics boffin and could recommend a source of components from various companies. Unfortunately the circuit diagram blurs out when you zoom in so I cant see the values of components. Can anyone post a clear image of the circuit diagram? First impressions seems...
  19. C

    New foundation in beecam

    "No plug in available to display this content". What plug in do I need? Cliff
  20. C

    New foundation in beecam

    Yes, but where?